hometown-fork / hometown

A supported fork of Mastodon that provides local posting and a wider range of content types.
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Option for default-hidden boosts #1210

Open mewo2 opened 1 year ago

mewo2 commented 1 year ago


Right now I can look at a timeline which has all boosts on (the default), or a timeline which has no boosts (by changing the timeline settings). I can also manually hide boosts from particular users by going to their profile page.

What I can't do is start from a timeline with no boosts, and selectively enable them for particular users. I could sort of fake this by going through every user and disabling boosts, but that sounds like a lot of work.


Right now the choice is between no boosts (what I use daily) and all or nearly-all boosts (which makes my home timeline unreadable IMO). I'd really like a version which is a small number of boosts from particular users who I can trust with this sacred responsibility.