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Add page indicators to feeds #1309

Open rainbow-bamboo opened 1 year ago

rainbow-bamboo commented 1 year ago


We can add an indicator to give the user an idea of how many statuses they've read in a row.

I've implemented a simple one that you can include in your custom css if you like.

 --main-accent-color: #343434;

.theme-default, .dark-theme, .high-contrast, .theme-fairy-floss{
 --main-accent-color: #fafafa;

/* it's 5n, so it shows the indicator every 5 posts */
    content: "";
    width: 20px;
    height: 20px;
    border-radius: 10px;
    margin: auto;
    margin-top: 1em;
    margin-bottom: 1em;
    background: var(--main-accent-color);
    display: block;


It ends up looking something like: image

The motivation is that an endless feed encourages endless consumption. By adding a visual indicator every 5 statuses, it gives you some sense of how much you are consuming and makes it easier to stop scrolling.


    counter-reset: page-number;

 counter-increment: page-number;

    content: "Page: " counter(page-number);

but having the pages be numbered made me feel more anxious/guilty than I would like. A chill circle is pretty neat though.

rainbow-bamboo commented 1 year ago

A flaw of this approach, is that if you don't have "slow mode" turned on, new posts change the position of the marker because instead of scrolling pass X number of posts, it's as if you scrolled past X + number of new posts .

Also, you can put emoji in the content field to get some easy icons.

    content: "⛺";
    filter: greyscale(1);