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Add linear distance in the cochlea for freq and wavelength #68

Open landlessness opened 2 months ago

landlessness commented 2 months ago

"Greenwood proposed the following equation for frequency along the OC: F = A · (10ax – k), where F is frequency, x is the position on the basilar membrane; coefficients for human cochle- ae: A = 165.4, a = 2.1 (if x is expressed in proportion of the total basilar membrane length), k = 0.88 [Greenwood, 1990]."

from A Frequency-Position Function for the Human Cochlear Spiral Ganglion Divya Sridhar Olga Stakhovskaya Patricia A. Leake Epstein Laboratory, Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, University of California San Francisco, San Francisco, Calif., USA

landlessness commented 2 months ago

Use fossil.shell or ear sf symbol