homotechsual / HaloAPI

PowerShell module for the Halo Service Solutions series of software products.
MIT License
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[Bug]: ViewID, ColumnsID and ListID return unchanged results | [HALO:0535944] #29

Closed Jcblmao closed 2 months ago

Jcblmao commented 10 months ago

Contact Details


What happened?

All fields are returned in responses regardless of the filter switches used, have tried (ViewID, ColumnsID, and ListID)

I have created new versions of each and confirmed the ID's by the URL of my database.

I am using PowerShell v7.3.9



Which operating systems have you tested on?

What PowerShell version are you running?


Halo Product

Halo PSA

Halo Version

Client Version: 2.126.26 API Version: 2.126.26 Database Version: 2126 NHServer Version: 1360.04

What command did you run?

Get-HaloTicket -ListID 63 -StatusID 25 
Get-HaloTicket -ViewID 63 -StatusID 25
Get-HaloTicket -ColumnsID 63 -StatusID 25

What was the output of the command?

id                        : 275
dateoccurred              : 31/10/2023 10:40:57
summary                   : Test approval
details                   :
status_id                 : 25
tickettype_id             : 5
sla_id                    : 1
priority_id               : 3
client_id                 : 12
client_name               : Alpha Scan
site_id                   : 1024
site_name                 : Alpha Scan (Romsey)
user_id                   : 2052
user_name                 : Jacob Newman
team                      : Projects
agent_id                  : 1
category_1                :
category_2                :
category_3                :
category_4                :
estimate                  : -0
estimatedays              : 0
child_count               : 0
attachment_count          : 0
flagged                   : False
read                      : True
enduserstatus             : 0
onhold                    : False
respondbydate             : 31/10/2023 12:10:57
fixbydate                 : 01/11/2023 10:40:57
excludefromsla            : True
slaholdtime               : 0
site_timezone             : GMT Standard Time
lastactiondate            : 31/10/2023 10:46:55
organisation_id           : 1
department_id             : 3
reportedby                : jacob.newman@alphascan.co.uk
user_email                : jacob.newman@alphascan.co.uk
emailtolist               : jacob.newman@alphascan.co.uk
matched_kb_id             : 0
product_id                : 0
release_id                : 0
release2_id               : 0
release3_id               : 0
lastincomingemail         : 01/01/0001 00:00:00
workflow_id               : 0
workflow_step             : 0
pipeline_stage_id         : 1
is_vip                    : True
isimportantcontact        : False
inactive                  : False
impact                    : 0
urgency                   : 0
starttime                 : 00:00:00
starttimeslot             : 0
targetdate                : 01/01/1900 00:00:00
targettime                : 00:00:00
targettimeslot            : 0
deadlinedate              : 01/01/1900 00:00:00
oppcompanyname            : Alpha Scan
oppvalueadjusted          : 0
cost                      : 0
quantity                  : 1
projecttimeactual         : 0.0833333333333333
projectmoneyactual        : 1.66666666666667
userdef1                  :
userdef2                  : Technical Delivery Manager
userdef3                  :
userdef4                  :
userdef5                  :
source                    : 3
release_important         : False
releasenotegroup_id       : 0
supplier_status           : 0
appointment_type          : 0
section_timezone          :
projectinternaltask       : False
impactlevel               : 0
use                       : ticket
maximumRestrictedPriority : 0
idsummary                 : 275 - Test approval
account_manager           : Jacob Newman
ticketage                 : 0.213591998177083
useful_count              : 0
notuseful_count           : 0
updateservicestatus       : False
servicestatusnote         :
itil_requesttype_id       : 22
ticket_tags               :
approval_status           : 3
invoiceseperatelyoverride : False
purchaseordernumber       :
homotechsual commented 10 months ago

Thanks @Jcblmao - let me take a look into this :-)

homotechsual commented 10 months ago

So this'll have to go to Halo support, we're sending the correct API request as they document - there's no issue in the module - we're using documented parameters - but the returned values aren't being altered.

Jcblmao commented 10 months ago

no worries, Ill raise the request with them now

homotechsual commented 10 months ago

I've also raised it - I'll update the issue here with the ticket id once I have it :-)

homotechsual commented 2 months ago

So Halo have come back and I forgot to update. This is by design it seems.