homotopy-io / homotopy-webclient

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Make the software citeable #67

Closed wetneb closed 5 years ago

wetneb commented 5 years ago

The Zenodo service (run by CERN) makes it possible to archive GitHub repositories and attribute a DOI to them. It is a good way to make software citeable - citations with DOIs survive much longer in the scholarly communications pipelines. See https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.1059001 for an example. If you can incentivize Homotopy.io's users to cite the software with the provided DOI, Zenodo will then keep track of publications citing it too.

If you are interested in this, just login to Zenodo (for instance using your GitHub account) and follow the instructions there.

jamievicary commented 5 years ago

Cool, I just did this, and added the DOI tag in the readme.

However, it's still not clear (at least to me) how someone would cite this using BiBTeX. I think we need to provide an example BiBTeX entry. What's the best way to do that Antonin?

wetneb commented 5 years ago

Zenodo provides a basic Bibtex citation (generated from GitHub's metadata):

  author       = {jamievicary and
                  Nick Hu and
                  Jo Liss},
  title        = {homotopy-io/webclient: First release},
  month        = jan,
  year         = 2019,
  doi          = {10.5281/zenodo.2540764},
  url          = {https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.2540764}

As long as the DOI is there it should be fine to tweak any of these fields, either manually, or better by adding a .zenodo.json file in the repository (so that Zenodo gets the metadata right in the first place). The format of the .zenodo.json file is described in your Zenodo preferences (https://zenodo.org/account/settings/github/repository/homotopy-io/webclient).

jamievicary commented 5 years ago

Thanks Antonin, I'll adapt this and put it into the readme file.