homuler / MediaPipeUnityPlugin

Unity plugin to run MediaPipe
MIT License
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ObserveOutputStream for Hand Tracking doesn't work #682

Closed davimedio01 closed 2 years ago

davimedio01 commented 2 years ago

Plugin Version or Commit ID


Unity Version


Your Host OS

Manjaro KDE with Kernel 5.4.207-1

Target Platform

UnityEditor, Android


Hey guys! First, thanks for all the support for this amazing plugin. I'm from Brazil, so my comments in the attached code are in Brazilian Portuguese, since they are test scripts before the final project for my college. So ignore them for now.

Let's go to the issue! I was trying to build a solution for Android (OpenGLES) involving ARFoundation with Hand Tracking (specifically, the output obtained by MULTI_HAND_LANDMARKS) offered by the plugin and, as stated in #343, it is necessary to use the Asynchronous API described in Advanced Topics. However, as shown in the images below, the ObserveOutputStream function is not working when I reference my HandLandmarkCallback function as a parameter, even following the steps described in the wiki and checking the files of the "Hand Tracking" example scene.

01 02

And the MediaPipe OpenGLES Graph (output "4" for MULTI_HAND_LANDMARKS): image

Code to Reproduce the issue

* Rastramento Básico de Mão com MediaPipe Hands com Retorno das Coordenadas com uso de ARFoundation *

- Utilizando uma ARCamera e retornando as coordenadas "hand_landmarks" (normalizadas) no console...
- Utilização de GPU para processamento, com configurações padrões da documentação oficial (TFFull).
- Processamento no modo ASSÍNCRONO para MediaPipe (obrigatório com ARFoundation): https://github.com/homuler/MediaPipeUnityPlugin/wiki/Advanced-Topics
- Processamento no modo SÍNCRONO para ARFoundation: https://docs.unity3d.com/Packages/com.unity.xr.arfoundation@4.2/manual/cpu-camera-image.html

-- Info sobre o "hand_world_landmarks": https://github.com/google/mediapipe/issues/2199#issuecomment-1002299634

By Davi Neves => davimedio01 // 2022

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;

using Unity.Collections;
using Unity.Collections.LowLevel.Unsafe;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Events;
using UnityEngine.UI;
using UnityEngine.XR.ARFoundation;
using UnityEngine.XR.ARSubsystems;

using Mediapipe;
using Mediapipe.Unity;
using Mediapipe.Unity.CoordinateSystem; //Conversão de coordenadas do MediaPipe para Unity

using Stopwatch = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch; //Timestamp baseado no tempo de execução da aplicação
using System;

public class MediaPipe_BasicHandTracking_ARFoundation : MonoBehaviour
    //Modos de Execução (CPU, GPU PC/Android) disponíveis para a aplicação
    private enum InferenceMode
    //Tipos de Modelos TF disponíveis para a aplicação
    private enum ModelComplexity
        Lite = 0,
        Full = 1,

    //Apenas para enumerar o máximo de mãos permitidos nesse exemplo
    private enum MaxNumberHands
        One = 1,
        Two = 2,

    //Arquivo de configuração do grafo do modelo "Hands" ("hand_tracking_gpu.txt" para Linux ou "hand_tracking_opengles" para Android)
    [SerializeField] private TextAsset _cpuConfig;    //hand_tracking_cpu.txt
    [SerializeField] private TextAsset _gpuConfig;    //hand_tracking_gpu.txt
    [SerializeField] private TextAsset _openGlEsConfig; //hand_tracking_opengles.txt
    [SerializeField] private InferenceMode _inferenceMode = InferenceMode.GPU; //Modo de operação do grafo (CPU, GPU ou GPU Mobile)
    private TextAsset _configAsset; //Arquivo de configuração final baseado na escolha do usuario

    //Configuração personalizável do tipo de modelo a ser carregado
    [SerializeField] private ModelComplexity _modelComplexity = ModelComplexity.Full;

    //Configuração personalizável da quantidade de mãos a serem rastreadas na cena
    [SerializeField] private MaxNumberHands _maxNumHands = MaxNumberHands.One;

    //!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Apenas para testes
    // Controlador da estrutura que permite visualizar os pontos no Canvas desejado 
    [SerializeField] private MultiHandLandmarkListAnnotationController _handLandmarksAnnotationController;

    //Objeto do ARCameraManager relacionado ao uso do ARFoundation
    [SerializeField] private ARCameraManager _cameraManager;

    // //Tamanho e FPS da câmera desejada! (Vai encontrar o valor igual ou próximo ao colocado aqui)
    // !!Necessário ver como fazer isso com uso da ARCamera (se é possível ou não...) => importante para testes
    // [SerializeField] private int _width = 1280;
    // [SerializeField] private int _height = 720;
    // [SerializeField] private int _fps = 30;

    //Grafo do MediaPipe
    private CalculatorGraph _graph;

    //Variável para conversão de coordenadas do MediaPipe para Unity
    private UnityEngine.Rect _screenRect;

    //Atribuir Timestamp com base no horário da máquina para os Packets do Grafo
    private Stopwatch _stopwatch;

    //Recursos para o Grafo do MediaPipe, isto é, os modelos em TF
    private ResourceManager _resourceManager;

    //Utilização de GPU para o Grafo
    private GpuResources _gpuResources;

    //Buffer do frame obtido da ARCamera
    private NativeArray<byte> _buffer;

    //Nome da Stream de Entrada do Grafo
    private const string _InputStreamName = "input_video";

    //Nome das Streams de Packets de Configuração do Grafo (Side Packets)
    private const string _SidePacketModelComplexity = "model_complexity";
    private const string _SidePacketMaxHandsName = "num_hands";

    //Abaixo, nomes associados com as Streams de SAÍDA possíveis do Grafo para solução Hands
    private const string _PalmDetectionsStreamName = "palm_detections";
    private const string _HandRectsFromPalmDetectionsStreamName = "hand_rects_from_palm_detections";
    private const string _HandLandmarkStreamName = "hand_landmarks";
    private const string _HandWorldLandmarkStreamName = "hand_world_landmarks";
    private const string _HandRectsFromLandmarksStreamName = "hand_rects_from_landmarks";
    private const string _HandednessStreamName = "handedness";

    //Variáveis para retorno da lista de posições das mãos: "hand_landmarks" e "hand_world_landmarks"
    private OutputStream<NormalizedLandmarkListVectorPacket, List<NormalizedLandmarkList>> _handLandmarkStream;

    //IEnumerator: https://pt.stackoverflow.com/questions/191582/o-que-%C3%A9-e-pra-que-serve-ienumerable-e-ienumerator
    //Basicamente, para ser possível prever que haja próximos dados (futuro...), como um iterador mesmo. Funciona como corotina.
    private IEnumerator Start()
        //Configurações de Log e Debbuging do MediaPipe para o Console da Unity
        Glog.Logtostderr = true;
        Glog.Minloglevel = 0;
        Glog.V = 3;
        //Glog.Initialize("MediaPipeUnityPlugin"); //Deve ser ativado apenas uma vez ao iniciar a Unity

        //Configuração da ARCamera e recuperação do frame atual
        //Função do ARFoundation que recupera o frame atual
        _cameraManager.frameReceived += OnCameraFrameReceived;

        //Configuração do MediaPipe API para Unity
        //Inicialização da GPU, caso esteja no modo GPU
        _gpuResources = (_inferenceMode == InferenceMode.GPU) ? GpuResources.Create().Value() : null;

        //Recuperando os modelos necessários para execução do Grafo "solução HANDS"
        _resourceManager = new StreamingAssetsResourceManager();
        if (_modelComplexity == ModelComplexity.Lite)
            yield return _resourceManager.PrepareAssetAsync("hand_landmark_lite.bytes");
            yield return _resourceManager.PrepareAssetAsync("hand_recrop.bytes");
            yield return _resourceManager.PrepareAssetAsync("handedness.txt");
            yield return _resourceManager.PrepareAssetAsync("palm_detection_lite.bytes");
            yield return _resourceManager.PrepareAssetAsync("hand_landmark_full.bytes");
            yield return _resourceManager.PrepareAssetAsync("hand_recrop.bytes");
            yield return _resourceManager.PrepareAssetAsync("handedness.txt");
            yield return _resourceManager.PrepareAssetAsync("palm_detection_full.bytes");

        //Iniciando a variável de Timestamp (baseado no tempo de execução da aplicação)
        _stopwatch = new Stopwatch();

        //Iniciando o arquivo de configuração desejado
        if(SystemInfo.deviceType == DeviceType.Handheld)
            //OpenGLES para GPU Mobile
            _configAsset = _openGlEsConfig;
            Debug.Log("DeviceType: " + SystemInfo.deviceType);
        else if(SystemInfo.deviceType == DeviceType.Desktop)
            if (_inferenceMode == InferenceMode.CPU)
                _configAsset = _cpuConfig;
            else if (_inferenceMode == InferenceMode.GPU)
                _configAsset = _gpuConfig;
        //Caso seja desconhecido, impor Mobile
            //OpenGLES para GPU Mobile
            _configAsset = _openGlEsConfig;

        //Alocando o Grafo para a solução Hands
        _graph = new CalculatorGraph(_configAsset.text);
        if(_gpuResources != null)

        //Iniciando as variáveis de saída do Grafo, com as configurações necessárias
        _handLandmarkStream = new OutputStream<NormalizedLandmarkListVectorPacket, List<NormalizedLandmarkList>>(

        //Configurações de início das variáveís de saída dos resultados do MediaPipe (recebimento de valores)

        //Registro dos Callbacks relacionado às saídas para modo Assíncrono
        //!!!! Arrumar esse outputStream Assíncrono
        _graph.ObserveOutputStream(_HandLandmarkStreamName, 4, HandLandmarkCallback, true).AssertOk();

        //Mandando as configurações personalizáveis (Side Packets) para o Grafo (ANTES DO INÍCIO!)
        var sidePacket = new SidePacket();
        sidePacket.Emplace(_SidePacketModelComplexity, new IntPacket((int)_modelComplexity));
        sidePacket.Emplace(_SidePacketMaxHandsName, new IntPacket((int)_maxNumHands));
        //Coordenadas convertidas do MediaPipe para o Sistema Unity.
        sidePacket.Emplace("input_rotation", new IntPacket(0));
        sidePacket.Emplace("input_horizontally_flipped", new BoolPacket(false));
        sidePacket.Emplace("input_vertically_flipped", new BoolPacket(true));

        //Acionando o Grafo com configurações personalizadas de início (Side Packet) e o Timer

    //Funções do ARFoundation para Uso com MediaPipe Hands
    //Recuperação do frame atual da ARCamera
    // https://docs.unity3d.com/Packages/com.unity.xr.arfoundation@4.2/manual/cpu-camera-image.html
    private unsafe void OnCameraFrameReceived(ARCameraFrameEventArgs eventArgs)
        //Tenta adquirir o último frame copiado
        if(_cameraManager.TryAcquireLatestCpuImage(out XRCpuImage image))
            //Iniciação do buffer

            //Variável que contém os parâmetros de conversão (pixels)
            var conversionParams = new XRCpuImage.ConversionParams(image, TextureFormat.RGBA32);

            //Recuperando o ponteiro de destino, ou seja, relacionado a memória alocada para o buffer do frame
            var ptr = (IntPtr)NativeArrayUnsafeUtility.GetUnsafePtr(_buffer);

            //Conversão do frame adquirido para o buffer relacionado
            image.Convert(conversionParams, ptr, _buffer.Length);
            image.Dispose(); //Desalocando recursos após conversão

            //Recuperação da imagem convertida no buffer para manipular na Unity
            var imageFrame = new ImageFrame(ImageFormat.Types.Format.Srgba, image.width, image.height, 4 * image.width, _buffer);

            //Recuperando o Timestamp atual
            var currentTimestamp = _stopwatch.ElapsedTicks / (TimeSpan.TicksPerMillisecond / 1000);

            //Criando o Packet para aplicação do MediaPipe
            var imageFramePacket = new ImageFramePacket(imageFrame, new Timestamp(currentTimestamp));

            //Adicionado o Packet do frame para o grafo em execução
            _graph.AddPacketToInputStream(_InputStreamName, imageFramePacket).AssertOk();

    //Alocação do Buffer, exigido por "OnCameraFrameReceived"
    private void alocBuffer(XRCpuImage image)
        //Recuperação do tamanho total da imagem em RGBA, isto é: largura * altura * RGBA(4)
        var length = image.width * image.height * 4;

        //Alocação do buffer de acordo com o tamanho da imagem
        if (_buffer == null || _buffer.Length != length)
            _buffer = new NativeArray<byte>(length, Allocator.Persistent, NativeArrayOptions.UninitializedMemory);

    //Callback para saída do MediaPipe no modo Assíncrono
    // https://github.com/homuler/MediaPipeUnityPlugin/wiki/Advanced-Topics#asynchronous-api
    private static IntPtr HandLandmarkCallback(IntPtr graphPtr, int streamId, IntPtr packetPtr)
            //Recupera a saída do Grafo: um vetor de pontos normalizados
            using (var packet = new NormalizedLandmarkListVectorPacket(packetPtr, false))
                //Recuperação do Packet no modo assíncrono
                if (!packet.IsEmpty()) // when `observeTimestampBounds` is `true`, output packet can be empty
                    //!!!!!!! Arrumar aqui: após recuperar, executar as funções de mostrar coordenadas
                    var output = packet.Get();

                    Debug.Log("SAÍDA::::" + output);

            //Retorno de um ponteiro com status de resultado
            return Status.Ok().mpPtr;
        catch (Exception e)
            return Status.FailedPrecondition(e.ToString()).mpPtr;

    //hand_landmarks no Console
    IEnumerator ConsoleResult(List<NormalizedLandmarkList> hand_landmark)
        //Verificando se existem pontos para serem mostrados no frame
        if (hand_landmark != null && hand_landmark.Count > 0)
            //Retornando os 21 pontos de cada mão no frame
            foreach (var hand in hand_landmark)
                //Mostrando as coordenadas do frame no Console da Unity
                //Ponto 0
                //var wrist = hand.Landmark[0];
                //Debug.Log($"hand_landmarks: Unity Coordinates: {_screenRect.GetPoint(wrist)} - Image Coordinates: {wrist}");

                //Ponto 1
                var thumb_cmc = hand.Landmark[1];
                Debug.Log($"Unity Coordinates: {_screenRect.GetPoint(thumb_cmc)}, Image Coordinates: {thumb_cmc}");

            yield return new WaitForSeconds(.1f);

    private void OnDestroy()
        //Retorna o evento do frame da ARCamera para o padrão
        _cameraManager.frameReceived -= OnCameraFrameReceived;

        //Fechando todas as entradas do Grafo
        var statusGraph = _graph.CloseAllPacketSources();
            Debug.Log($"Failed to close packet sources: {statusGraph}");

        //Espera o processamento das entradas restantes
        statusGraph = _graph.WaitUntilDone();
        if (!statusGraph.Ok())

        //Encerra, por fim, as estruturas do Grafo e libera recursos

        if(_gpuResources != null)
            _gpuResources.Dispose(); //Apenas se utilizado estrutura de GPU...

        //Desalocando o Buffer

    private void OnApplicationQuit()
        //Restaurando as configurações de avisos de erros do Protobuf

Additional Context

No response

homuler commented 2 years ago

Sorry, the document is stale. NativePacketCallback needs to return StatusArgs now. https://github.com/homuler/MediaPipeUnityPlugin/blob/adb2d908cb6e7b82950c8bfa51c493760a6293b8/Packages/com.github.homuler.mediapipe/Runtime/Scripts/Framework/CalculatorGraph.cs#L16

However, if you use OutputStream, you don't need to implement a NativePacketCallback. See OutputStream#AddListner for more details. https://github.com/homuler/MediaPipeUnityPlugin/blob/adb2d908cb6e7b82950c8bfa51c493760a6293b8/Packages/com.github.homuler.mediapipe/Runtime/Scripts/Unity/OutputStream.cs#L141-L148

Here's a Hand Tracking sample code. https://github.com/homuler/MediaPipeUnityPlugin/blob/adb2d908cb6e7b82950c8bfa51c493760a6293b8/Assets/MediaPipeUnity/Samples/Scenes/Hand%20Tracking/HandTrackingGraph.cs#L53-L57 https://github.com/homuler/MediaPipeUnityPlugin/blob/adb2d908cb6e7b82950c8bfa51c493760a6293b8/Assets/MediaPipeUnity/Samples/Scenes/Hand%20Tracking/HandTrackingSolution.cs#L50 https://github.com/homuler/MediaPipeUnityPlugin/blob/adb2d908cb6e7b82950c8bfa51c493760a6293b8/Assets/MediaPipeUnity/Samples/Scenes/Hand%20Tracking/HandTrackingSolution.cs#L103-L106

davimedio01 commented 2 years ago

Thank you for the information!

I'm trying to implement it, but I'm still a little lost on how to implement this event in the graph coming from the "CalculatorGraph" class (as in my code, since it doesn't have this event). Performing the "AddListener" of my "OutputStream" is also not resulting in anything...

I wonder if I would necessarily have to implement three classes like in the example scene?

homuler commented 2 years ago

I'm still a little lost on how to implement this event in the graph coming from the "CalculatorGraph" class

Which event? What you need to implement is a callback function (see HandTrackingSolution#OnHandLandmarksOutput) and you don't need to implement any events (you don't need to implement HandTrackingGraph#OnHandLandmarksOutput).

I wonder if I would necessarily have to implement three classes like in the example scene?

I think you can implement it in a single class.

davimedio01 commented 2 years ago

Thank you very much! It's working perfectly now!

For those who have doubts, just use the "AddListener" function of "OutputStream" and put the callback in it, as below.



private void OnHandLandmarksOutput(object stream, OutputEventArgs<List<NormalizedLandmarkList>> eventArgs) 
jcelsi commented 2 years ago

Hey, I'm also trying to implement the same but using hair segmentation. I have the folllowing

_graph = new CalculatorGraph(_configAsset.text);

var outputHairMask = new OutputStream<ImageFramePacket, ImageFrame>(_graph, "hair_mask");


while (true)
        var imageFrame = new ImageFrame(ImageFormat.Types.Format.Srgba, _width, _height, _width * 4, _inputTexture.GetRawTextureData<byte>());
        var currentTimestamp = stopwatch.ElapsedTicks / (System.TimeSpan.TicksPerMillisecond / 1000);

        _graph.AddPacketToInputStream("input_video", new ImageFramePacket(imageFrame, new Timestamp(currentTimestamp))).AssertOk();
        yield return new WaitForEndOfFrame();

And it runs for a couple seconds but then I get this error

MediaPipeException: NOT_FOUND: Graph has errors: 
OutputStream with id 1 is not found
Mediapipe.Status.AssertOk () (at Packages/com.github.homuler.mediapipe/Runtime/Scripts/Framework/Port/Status.cs:149)
Mediapipe.Unity.Tutorial.HairSolution+<Start>d__14.MoveNext () (at Assets/Project/Materials/HairSolution.cs:82)
UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine.InvokeMoveNext (System.Collections.IEnumerator enumerator, System.IntPtr returnValueAddress) (at <f1212ad1dec44ce7b7147976b91869c3>:0)
UnityEngine.GUIUtility:ProcessEvent(Int32, IntPtr, Boolean&)
homuler commented 2 years ago
var outputHairMask = new OutputStream<ImageFramePacket, ImageFrame>(_graph, "hair_mask");

This error occurs because the OutputStream object has been already GCed. Please store OutputStream objects to member variables.

private OutputStream<ImageFramePacket, ImageFrame> outputHairMask;
jcelsi commented 2 years ago

it worked. Thanks a lot