honboey / six-degrees-django

A rap game
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Try HTMX for song submission #8

Open honboey opened 9 months ago

honboey commented 9 months ago

Using traditional forms, when submitting a song name a complete refresh of the page occurs. This causes the rappers to change. We don't want this.

To solve this we can either use AJAX, Fetch API or HTMX. Let's try HTMX.

This is a child of #6.

honboey commented 9 months ago

This may help in loading and swapping only part of a page: HTMX is a library that simplifies working with AJAX requests and updates in web applications. To use HTMX to load only a part of a page when a user submits a form in Django, you can follow these steps:

  1. Install HTMX: First, make sure you have HTMX installed in your Django project. You can use a package manager like pip to install it:

    pip install htmx
  2. Include HTMX in Your Template: In your HTML template, include HTMX by adding the following line in the <head> section:

    <script src="https://unpkg.com/htmx.org@1.7.0/dist/htmx.min.js"></script>
  3. Update Your Form: Add hx-post and hx-target attributes to your form element. hx-post specifies the URL to which the form should be submitted, and hx-target specifies the HTML element where the response should be inserted. You can also add an hx-swap attribute to specify how the content should be inserted (e.g., outerHTML, innerHTML, etc.).

    <form id="myForm" method="post" hx-post="{% url 'my_form_submission_view' %}" hx-target="#partial-view" hx-swap="outerHTML">
       {% csrf_token %}
       <!-- Form fields go here -->
       <input type="submit" value="Submit">
  4. Create a Django View: Create a Django view that handles the form submission and returns the updated content. This view should render the template fragment you want to update.

    from django.shortcuts import render
    from django.template.loader import render_to_string
    from django.http import HttpResponse
    def my_form_submission_view(request):
       if request.method == 'POST':
           # Process form data
           # ...
           # Render the template fragment
           partial_html = render_to_string('partial_template.html', context)
           return HttpResponse(partial_html)
       # Handle GET requests here
       # ...
  5. Create a Template Fragment: Create a template fragment (e.g., partial_template.html) that contains the HTML you want to update when the form is submitted.

  6. JavaScript: HTMX will automatically handle the AJAX submission and response handling for you. There's no need to write custom JavaScript for this purpose.

With these steps, when the user submits the form, HTMX will send an AJAX request to the specified URL (hx-post), and the response will replace the content of the element specified by hx-target, using the specified method defined in hx-swap. This way, you can update only a part of the page without a full page refresh.