honcheng / iOSPlot

Chart library for iOS
1.37k stars 252 forks source link

Accommodating missing data in line chart #1

Closed grgcombs closed 13 years ago

grgcombs commented 13 years ago

I really like your new charting library. Very lightweight, visually appealing.

I have a request relating to chart lines that permit "missing" data. For example, if your chart shows yearly sales figures for your sales associates, and one of those associates left the company at the beginning of 2008, but returned in 2009, you wouldn't want his figures to appear as 0.00 sales for 2008. Rather he should have a broken line between 2007 and 2009.

In terms of the data points array, a missing data point could be represented by NSNull or something...

honcheng commented 13 years ago

This is done.

Plist does not support null values, so I have to add JSON support for a list to include null values. You need to update the submodule to get the JSON code

grgcombs commented 13 years ago

Awesome, thanks!