honcheng / iOSPlot

Chart library for iOS
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Autoresizing PieChart #16

Open n1mda opened 11 years ago

n1mda commented 11 years ago

As most of the data I add to a PCPieChart is dynamic, I don't know how high the PCPieChart view should be. It often happens that percentage labels gets cut off in the bottom of the view.

[pieChart setAutoresizingMask:UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleLeftMargin|UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleRightMargin|UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleTopMargin];

makes no difference. How would I autoresize it to fit the labels?

pjungeb commented 11 years ago

Got the same problem, as my data is dynamic as it should be , I cannot estimate the piechart size and labels got cut off of the rect. Also, I cannot give a big enough space to pie chart, as I have more views being drawn under the plot. How can I get the resulting ploted size of the pie chart ?

Thanks and great work !