honestbleeps / Reddit-Enhancement-Suite

Reddit Enhancement Suite
GNU General Public License v3.0
4.08k stars 878 forks source link

Support For Pale Moon (XUL Firefox Fork) #5343

Open LaOrhyUAcMji opened 2 years ago

LaOrhyUAcMji commented 2 years ago


Thanks for the amazing work on this plugin, I've used it on Firefox and it works really well. However, I've recently shifted to Pale Moon browser (which is a fork of Firefox) and the extension isn't working on Pale Moon.

It seems that Pale Moon, and many related browsers (Basilisk, Sea Monkey, IceCat, K Meleon) use the XUL framework, as opposed to WebExtensions. IIRC, Reddit enhancement Suite used to work in XUL Firefox (a few years ago) so you guys probably have the source code for that already.

I'd really appreciate it if you could make a Pale Moon compatible plugin. I'd love to be able to continue using your plugin.

creesch commented 2 years ago


It isn't likely RES was ever supported in XUL itself, rather it used Firefox Jetpack for Firefox support which is different from XUL itself. So unless PaleMoon supports Jetpack it isn't going to help out here.

so you guys probably have the source code for that already.

That's not really how that works, development has since then continued so even if the code was easily available bringing it up to date to current functionality would be no small task. Even more so as modern browsers use the same basic webextension framework which has made the taks of maintaining a browser extension much easier where XUL is a completely different framework. Which makes maintaining it an extra challenge, which frankly considering the very small user base of pale moon isn't really worth it.