honeycombio / refinery

Refinery is a trace-aware tail-based sampling proxy. It examines whole traces and intelligently applies sampling decisions (whether to keep or discard) to each trace.
Apache License 2.0
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Missing config in yaml output after using the conversion tool #870

Closed elainemccloskey closed 11 months ago

elainemccloskey commented 1 year ago


Steps to reproduce

Config options that are missing or present but commented out after using the conversion tool but are not listed in the comments at the bottom of the file: logger: type, logger: level, UseTLS and UseIPV6Identifier

V1 file that was input to the conversion tool:

ListenAddr = ''
GRPCListenAddr = ''
PeerListenAddr = ''
CompressPeerCommunication = true
APIKeys = ['*']
HoneycombAPI = 'https://api.honeycomb.io'
SendDelay = '2s'
TraceTimeout = '60s'
MaxBatchSize = 500
SendTicker = '100ms'
LoggingLevel = 'error'
UpstreamBufferSize = 10000
PeerBufferSize = 10000
AddHostMetadataToTrace = true

Collector = 'InMemCollector'
Metrics = 'honeycomb'
Logger = 'honeycomb'


LoggerHoneycombAPI = "https://api.honeycomb.io"
LoggerAPIKey = "<Insert API key here>"
LoggerDataset = "Refinery Logs"
LoggerSamplerEnabled = true
LoggerSamplerThroughput = 10


MetricsHoneycombAPI = "https://api.honeycomb.io"
MetricsAPIKey = "<Insert API key here>"
MetricsDataset = "Refinery Metrics"
MetricsReportingInterval = 15

Type = "redis"
RedisHost = "<redis hostname>:6379"
RedisPassword = ""
UseTLS = false

IdentifierInterfaceName = 'eth0'
UseIPV6Identifier = false

MaxAlloc = 6400000000

CacheCapacity = 640000

V2 config output:

## Honeycomb Refinery Configuration ##
# created on 2023-10-04 at 03:57:41 UTC from refinery.toml using a template generated on 2023-08-02 at 23:32:03 UTC

# This file contains a configuration for the Honeycomb Refinery. It is in YAML
# format, organized into named groups, each of which contains a set of
# configuration values. Text preceded by two comment characters (##) is
# informational only. Text preceded by a single comment character (#) indicates
# a value that is commented out and not used; it should be uncommented to enable
# it.

## General Configuration ##
  ## General contains general configuration options that apply to the
  ## entire Refinery process.
    ## ConfigurationVersion is the file format of this particular
    ## configuration file.
    ## This file is version 2.
    ## This field is required. It exists to allow the configuration system to
    ## adapt to future changes in the configuration file format.
    ## default: 2
    ## Not eligible for live reload.
    ConfigurationVersion: 2

    ## MinRefineryVersion is the minimum version of Refinery that can load
    ## this configuration file.
    ## This setting specifies the lowest Refinery version capable of loading
    ## all of the features used in this file. If this value is present, then
    ## Refinery will refuse to start if its version is less than this
    ## setting.
    ## default: v2.0
    ## Not eligible for live reload.
    MinRefineryVersion: v2.0

    ## DatasetPrefix is a prefix that can be used to distinguish a dataset
    ## from an environment in the rules.
    ## If telemetry is being sent to both a classic dataset and a new
    ## environment called the same thing, such as `production`, then this
    ## parameter can be used to distinguish these cases. When Refinery
    ## receives telemetry using an API key associated with a Honeycomb
    ## Classic dataset, it will then use the prefix in the form `{prefix}.
    ## {dataset}` when trying to resolve the rules definition.
    ## Not eligible for live reload.
    # DatasetPrefix: ""

    ## ConfigReloadInterval is the average interval between attempts at
    ## reloading the configuration file.
    ## Refinery will attempt to read its configuration and check for changes
    ## at approximately this interval. This time is varied by a random amount
    ## up to 10% to avoid all instances refreshing together. In installations
    ## where configuration changes are handled by restarting Refinery, which
    ## is often the case when using Kubernetes, disable this feature with a
    ## value of `0s`. If the config file is being loaded from a URL, it may
    ## be wise to increase this value to avoid overloading the file server.
    ## Accepts a duration string with units, like "15s".
    ## default: 15s
    ## Not eligible for live reload.
    # ConfigReloadInterval: 15s

## Network Configuration ##
  ## Network contains network configuration options.
    ## ListenAddr is the address where Refinery listens for incoming
    ## requests.
    ## This setting is the IP and port on which Refinery listens for incoming
    ## HTTP requests. These requests include traffic formatted as Honeycomb
    ## events, proxied requests to the Honeycomb API, and OpenTelemetry data
    ## using the `http` protocol. Incoming traffic is expected to be HTTP, so
    ## if SSL is a requirement, put something like `nginx` in front to do the
    ## decryption.
    ## Should be an ip:port like "".
    ## default:
    ## Not eligible for live reload.
    # ListenAddr: ""

    ## PeerListenAddr is the IP and port on which to listen for traffic being
    ## rerouted from a peer.
    ## Incoming traffic is expected to be HTTP, so if using SSL use something
    ## like nginx or a load balancer to do the decryption.
    ## Should be an ip:port like "".
    ## default:
    ## Not eligible for live reload.
    # PeerListenAddr: ""

    ## HoneycombAPI is the URL of the upstream Honeycomb API where the data
    ## will be sent.
    ## This setting is the destination to which Refinery sends all events
    ## that it decides to keep.
    ## default: https://api.honeycomb.io
    ## Eligible for live reload.
    # HoneycombAPI: "https://api.honeycomb.io"

## Access Key Configuration ##
  ## AccessKeys contains access keys -- API keys that the proxy will treat
  ## specially, and other flags that control how the proxy handles API
  ## keys.
    ## ReceiveKeys is a set of Honeycomb API keys that the proxy will treat
    ## specially.
    ## This list only applies to span traffic - other Honeycomb API actions
    ## will be proxied through to the upstream API directly without modifying
    ## keys.
    ## Not eligible for live reload.
      - *

    ## AcceptOnlyListedKeys is a boolean flag that causes events arriving
    ## with API keys not in the `ReceiveKeys` list to be rejected.
    ## If `true`, then only traffic using the keys listed in `ReceiveKeys` is
    ## accepted. Events arriving with API keys not in the `ReceiveKeys` list
    ## will be rejected with an HTTP `401` error.
    ## If `false`, then all traffic is accepted and `ReceiveKeys` is ignored.
    ## Eligible for live reload.
    # AcceptOnlyListedKeys: false

## Refinery Telemetry ##
  ## RefineryTelemetry contains configuration information for the telemetry
  ## that Refinery uses to record its own operation.
    ## AddRuleReasonToTrace controls whether to decorate traces with Refinery
    ## rule evaluation results.
    ## When enabled, this setting causes traces that are sent to Honeycomb to
    ## include the field `meta.refinery.reason`. This field contains text
    ## indicating which rule was evaluated that caused the trace to be
    ## included.
    ## This setting also includes the field `meta.refinery.send_reason`,
    ## which contains the reason that the trace was sent. Possible values of
    ## this field are `trace_send_got_root`, which means that the root span
    ## arrived; `trace_send_expired`, which means that TraceTimeout was
    ## reached; `trace_send_ejected_full`, which means that the trace cache
    ## was full; and `trace_send_ejected_memsize`, which means that refinery
    ## was out of memory.
    ## These names are also the names of metrics that refinery tracks.
    ## We recommend enabling this setting whenever a rules-based sampler is
    ## in use, as it is useful for debugging and understanding the behavior
    ## of your Refinery installation.
    ## Eligible for live reload.
    # AddRuleReasonToTrace: false

    ## AddSpanCountToRoot controls whether to add a metadata field to root
    ## spans that indicates the number of child spans.
    ## The added metadata field, `meta.span_count`, indicates the number of
    ## child spans on the trace at the time the sampling decision was made.
    ## This value is available to the rules-based sampler, making it possible
    ## to write rules that are dependent upon the number of spans in the
    ## trace. If `true`, then Refinery will add `meta. span_count` to the
    ## root span.
    ## default: true
    ## Eligible for live reload.
    # AddSpanCountToRoot: true

    ## AddHostMetadataToTrace specifies whether to add host metadata to
    ## traces.
    ## If `true`, then Refinery will add the following tag to all traces: -
    ## `meta.refinery.local_hostname`: the hostname of the Refinery node
    ## default: true
    ## Eligible for live reload.
    # AddHostMetadataToTrace: true

## Traces ##
  ## Traces contains configuration for how traces are managed.
    ## SendDelay is the duration to wait before sending a trace.
    ## This setting is a short timer that is triggered when a trace is
    ## complete. Refinery waits for this duration before sending the trace.
    ## The reason for this setting is to allow for small network delays or
    ## clock jitters to elapse and any final spans to arrive before sending
    ## the trace. Set to "0" for immediate sending.
    ## Accepts a duration string with units, like "2s".
    ## default: 2s
    ## Eligible for live reload.
    # SendDelay: 2s

    ## BatchTimeout is how frequently Refinery sends unfulfilled batches.
    ## By default, this setting uses the `DefaultBatchTimeout` in `libhoney`
    ## as its value, which is `100ms`.
    ## Accepts a duration string with units, like "500ms".
    ## Eligible for live reload.
    # BatchTimeout: 500ms

    ## TraceTimeout is the duration to wait before making the trace decision
    ## on an incomplete trace.
    ## A long timer; it represents the outside boundary of how long to wait
    ## before making the trace decision about an incomplete trace.
    ## Normally trace decisions (send or drop) are made when the root span
    ## arrives. Sometimes the root span never arrives (for example, due to
    ## crashes) and this timer ensures sending a trace even without having
    ## received the root span.
    ## If particularly long-lived traces are present in your data, then you
    ## should increase this timer. Note that this increase will also increase
    ## the memory requirements for Refinery.
    ## Accepts a duration string with units, like "60s".
    ## default: 60s
    ## Eligible for live reload.
    # TraceTimeout: 60s

    ## MaxBatchSize is the maximum number of events to be included in each
    ## batch for sending.
    ## This value is used to set the `BatchSize` field in the `libhoney`
    ## library used to send data to Honeycomb.
    ## If you have particularly large traces, then you should increase this
    ## value. Note that this will also increase the memory requirements for
    ## Refinery.
    ## default: 500
    ## Eligible for live reload.
    # MaxBatchSize: 500

    ## SendTicker is the interval between checks for traces to send.
    ## A short timer that determines the duration between trace cache review
    ## runs to send. Increasing this will spend more time processing incoming
    ## events to reduce `incoming_` or `peer_router_dropped` spikes.
    ## Decreasing this will check the trace cache for timeouts more
    ## frequently.
    ## Accepts a duration string with units, like "100ms".
    ## default: 100ms
    ## Eligible for live reload.
    # SendTicker: 100ms

## Debugging ##
  ## Debugging contains configuration values used when setting up and
  ## debugging Refinery.
    ## DebugServiceAddr is the IP and port where the debug service runs.
    ## The debug service is generally only used when debugging Refinery
    ## itself, and will only run if the command line option `-d` is
    ## specified. If this value is not specified, then the debug service runs
    ## on the first open port between `localhost:6060` and `localhost:6069`.
    ## Should be an ip:port like "localhost:6060".
    ## Not eligible for live reload.
    # DebugServiceAddr: "localhost:6060"

    ## QueryAuthToken is the token that must be specified to access the
    ## `/query` endpoint.
    ## This token must be specified with the header
    ## "X-Honeycomb-Refinery-Query" in order for a `/query` request to
    ## succeed. These `/query` requests are intended for debugging Refinery
    ## during setup and are not typically needed in normal operation. If not
    ## specified, then the `/query` endpoints are inaccessible.
    ## Not eligible for live reload.
    # QueryAuthToken: "some-private-value"

    ## AdditionalErrorFields is a list of span fields to include when logging
    ## errors happen during the ingestion of events.
    ## For example, the span too large error. This is primarily useful in
    ## trying to track down misbehaving senders in a large installation. The
    ## fields `dataset`, `apihost`, and `environment` are always included. If
    ## a field is not present in the span, then it will not be present in the
    ## error log.
    ## Eligible for live reload.
    # AdditionalErrorFields:
      # - trace.span_id

    ## DryRun controls whether sampling is applied to incoming traces.
    ## If enabled, then Refinery marks the traces that would be dropped given
    ## the current sampling rules, and sends all traces regardless of the
    ## sampling decision. This is useful for evaluating sampling rules.
    ## When DryRun is enabled, traces is decorated with `meta.refinery.
    ## dryrun.kept` that is set to `true` or `false`, based on whether the
    ## trace would be kept or dropped. In addition, `SampleRate` will be set
    ## to the incoming rate for all traces, and the field
    ## `meta.refinery.dryrun.sample_rate` will be set to the sample rate that
    ## would have been used.
    ## Eligible for live reload.
    # DryRun: true

## Refinery Logger ##
  ## Logger contains configuration for logging.
    ## Type is the type of logger to use.
    ## The setting specifies where (and if) Refinery sends logs.
    ## `none` means that logs are discarded.
    ## `honeycomb` means that logs will be forwarded to Honeycomb as events
    ## according to the set Logging settings.
    ## `stdout` means that logs will be written to `stdout`.
    ## default: stdout
    ## Not eligible for live reload.
    ## Options: stdout honeycomb none
    # Type: stdout

    ## Level is the logging level above which Refinery should send a log to
    ## the logger.
    ## `warn` is the recommended level for production.
    ## `debug` is very verbose, and should not be used in production
    ## environments.
    ## default: warn
    ## Not eligible for live reload.
    ## Options: debug info warn error panic
    # Level: warn

## Honeycomb Logger ##
  ## HoneycombLogger contains configuration for logging to Honeycomb. Only
  ## used if `Logger.Type` is "honeycomb".
    ## APIHost is the URL of the Honeycomb API where Refinery sends its logs.
    ## Refinery's internal logs will be sent to this host using the standard
    ## Honeycomb Events API.
    ## default: https://api.honeycomb.io
    ## Not eligible for live reload.
    # APIHost: "https://api.honeycomb.io"

    ## APIKey is the API key used to send Refinery's logs to Honeycomb.
    ## It is recommended that you create a separate team and key for Refinery
    ## logs.
    ## Not eligible for live reload.

    ## Dataset is the dataset to which logs will be sent.
    ## Only used if `APIKey` is specified.
    ## default: Refinery Logs
    ## Not eligible for live reload.
    Dataset: "Refinery Logs"

    ## SamplerEnabled controls whether logs are sampled before sending to
    ## Honeycomb.
    ## The sample rate is controlled by the `SamplerThroughput` setting.
    ## default: true
    ## Not eligible for live reload.
    # SamplerEnabled: true

    ## SamplerThroughput is the sampling throughput for logs in events per
    ## second.
    ## The sampling algorithm attempts to make sure that the average
    ## throughput approximates this value, while also ensuring that all
    ## unique logs arrive at Honeycomb at least once per sampling period.
    ## default: 10
    ## Not eligible for live reload.
    # SamplerThroughput: 10

## Stdout Logger ##
  ## StdoutLogger contains configuration for logging to `stdout`. Only used
  ## if `Logger.Type` is "stdout".
    ## Structured controls whether to use structured logging.
    ## `true` generates structured logs (JSON). `false` generates plain text
    ## logs.
    ## default: true
    ## Not eligible for live reload.
    # Structured: true

## Prometheus Metrics ##
  ## PrometheusMetrics contains configuration for Refinery's
  ## internally-generated metrics as made available through Prometheus.
    ## Enabled controls whether to expose Refinery metrics over the
    ## `PrometheusListenAddr` port.
    ## Each of the metrics providers can be enabled or disabled
    ## independently. Metrics can be sent to multiple destinations.
    ## Not eligible for live reload.
    # Enabled: false

    ## ListenAddr is the IP and port the Prometheus Metrics server will run
    ## on.
    ## Determines the interface and port on which Prometheus will listen for
    ## requests for `/metrics`. Must be different from the main Refinery
    ## listener. Only used if `Enabled` is `true` in `PrometheusMetrics`.
    ## Should be an ip:port like "localhost:2112".
    ## default: localhost:2112
    ## Not eligible for live reload.
    # ListenAddr: "localhost:2112"

## Legacy Metrics ##
  ## LegacyMetrics contains configuration for Refinery's legacy metrics.
  ## Version 1.x of Refinery used this format for sending Metrics to
  ## Honeycomb. The metrics generated that way are nonstandard and will be
  ## deprecated in a future release. New installations should prefer
  ## `OTelMetrics`.
    ## Enabled controls whether to send legacy-formatted metrics to
    ## Honeycomb.
    ## Each of the metrics providers can be enabled or disabled
    ## independently. Metrics can be sent to multiple destinations.
    ## Not eligible for live reload.
    Enabled: true

    ## APIHost is the URL of the Honeycomb API where legacy metrics are sent.
    ## Refinery's internal metrics will be sent to this host using the
    ## standard Honeycomb Events API.
    ## default: https://api.honeycomb.io
    ## Not eligible for live reload.
    # APIHost: "https://api.honeycomb.io"

    ## APIKey is the API key used by Refinery to send its metrics to
    ## Honeycomb.
    ## It is recommended that you create a separate team and key for Refinery
    ## metrics.
    ## Not eligible for live reload.

    ## Dataset is the Honeycomb dataset where Refinery sends its metrics.
    ## Only used if `APIKey` is specified.
    ## default: Refinery Metrics
    ## Not eligible for live reload.
    # Dataset: "Refinery Metrics"

    ## ReportingInterval is the interval between sending legacy metrics to
    ## Honeycomb.
    ## Between 1 and 60 seconds is typical.
    ## Accepts a duration string with units, like "30s".
    ## default: 30s
    ## Not eligible for live reload.
    ReportingInterval: 15s

## OpenTelemetry Metrics ##
  ## OTelMetrics contains configuration for Refinery's OpenTelemetry (OTel)
  ## metrics. This is the preferred way to send metrics to Honeycomb. New
  ## installations should prefer `OTelMetrics`.
    ## Enabled controls whether to send metrics via OpenTelemetry.
    ## Each of the metrics providers can be enabled or disabled
    ## independently. Metrics can be sent to multiple destinations.
    ## Not eligible for live reload.
    # Enabled: false

    ## APIHost is the URL of the OpenTelemetry API to which metrics will be
    ## sent.
    ## Refinery's internal metrics will be sent to the `/v1/metrics` endpoint
    ## on this host.
    ## default: https://api.honeycomb.io
    ## Not eligible for live reload.
    # APIHost: "https://api.honeycomb.io"

    ## APIKey is the API key used to send Honeycomb metrics via
    ## OpenTelemetry.
    ## It is recommended that you create a separate team and key for Refinery
    ## metrics.
    ## If this is blank, then Refinery will not set the Honeycomb-specific
    ## headers for OpenTelemetry, and your `APIHost` must be set to a valid
    ## OpenTelemetry endpoint.
    ## Not eligible for live reload.
    # APIKey: ""

    ## Dataset is the Honeycomb dataset that Refinery sends its OpenTelemetry
    ## metrics.
    ## Only used if `APIKey` is specified.
    ## default: Refinery Metrics
    ## Not eligible for live reload.
    # Dataset: "Refinery Metrics"

    ## ReportingInterval is the interval between sending OpenTelemetry
    ## metrics to Honeycomb.
    ## Between `1` and `60` seconds is typical.
    ## Accepts a duration string with units, like "30s".
    ## default: 30s
    ## Not eligible for live reload.
    # ReportingInterval: ""

    ## Compression is the compression algorithm to use when sending
    ## OpenTelemetry metrics to Honeycomb.
    ## `gzip` is the default and recommended value. In rare circumstances,
    ## compression costs may outweigh the benefits, in which case `none` may
    ## be used.
    ## default: gzip
    ## Not eligible for live reload.
    ## Options: none gzip
    # Compression: gzip

## Peer Management ##
  ## PeerManagement controls how the Refinery cluster communicates between
  ## peers.
    ## Type is the type of peer management to use.
    ## Peer management is the mechanism by which Refinery locates its peers.
    ## `file` means that Refinery gets its peer list from the Peers list in
    ## this config file.
    ## `redis` means that Refinery self-registers with a Redis instance and
    ## gets its peer list from there.
    ## default: file
    ## Not eligible for live reload.
    ## Options: redis file
    Type: redis

    ## Identifier specifies the identifier to use when registering itself
    ## with peers.
    ## By default, when using a peer registry, Refinery will use the local
    ## hostname to identify itself to other peers. If your environment
    ## requires something else, (for example, if peers cannot resolve each
    ## other by name), then you can specify the exact identifier, such as an
    ## IP address, to use here. Overrides `IdentifierInterfaceName`, if both
    ## are set.
    ## Not eligible for live reload.
    # Identifier: "<IP>"

    ## IdentifierInterfaceName specifies a network interface to use when
    ## finding a local hostname.
    ## By default, when using a peer registry, Refinery will use the local
    ## hostname to identify itself to other peers. If your environment
    ## requires that you use IPs as identifiers (for example, if peers cannot
    ## resolve each other by name), then you can specify the network
    ## interface that Refinery is listening on here. Refinery will use the
    ## first unicast address that it finds on the specified network interface
    ## as its identifier.
    ## Not eligible for live reload.
    IdentifierInterfaceName: eth0

    ## UseIPV6Identifier specifies that Refinery should use an IPV6 address
    ## as its identifier.
    ## If using `IdentifierInterfaceName`, Refinery will default to the first
    ## IPv4 unicast address it finds for the specified interface. If this
    ## value is specified, then Refinery will use the first IPV6 unicast
    ## address found.
    ## Not eligible for live reload.
    # UseIPV6Identifier: false

    ## Peers is the list of peers to use when Type is "file", excluding self.
    ## This list is ignored when Type is "redis". The format is a list of
    ## strings of the form "host:port".
    ## Not eligible for live reload.
    # Peers:
      # - <IP>
      # - <IP>

## Redis Peer Management ##
  ## RedisPeerManagement controls how the Refinery cluster communicates
  ## between peers when using Redis. Only applies when
  ## `PeerManagement.Type` is "redis".
    ## Host is the host and port of the Redis instance to use for peer
    ## cluster membership management.
    ## Must be in the form `host:port`.
    ## Should be an ip:port like "localhost:6379".
    ## Not eligible for live reload.
    Host: "<host>"

    ## Username is the username used to connect to Redis for peer cluster
    ## membership management.
    ## Many Redis installations do not use this field.
    ## Not eligible for live reload.
    # Username: ""

    ## Password is the password used to connect to Redis for peer cluster
    ## membership management.
    ## Many Redis installations do not use this field.
    ## Not eligible for live reload.
    # Password: ""

    ## Prefix is a string used as a prefix for the keys in Redis while
    ## storing the peer membership.
    ## It might be useful to override this in any situation where multiple
    ## Refinery clusters or multiple applications want to share a single
    ## Redis instance. It may not be blank.
    ## default: refinery
    ## Not eligible for live reload.
    # Prefix: refinery

    ## Database is the database number to use for the Redis instance storing
    ## the peer membership.
    ## An integer from 0-15 indicating the database number to use for the
    ## Redis instance storing the peer membership. It might be useful to set
    ## this in any situation where multiple Refinery clusters or multiple
    ## applications want to share a single Redis instance.
    ## Not eligible for live reload.
    # Database: 0

    ## UseTLS enables TLS when connecting to Redis for peer cluster
    ## membership management.
    ## When enabled, this setting sets the `MinVersion` in the TLS
    ## configuration to `1.2`.
    ## Not eligible for live reload.
    # UseTLS: false

    ## UseTLSInsecure disables certificate checks when connecting to Redis
    ## for peer cluster membership management.
    ## This setting is intended for use with self-signed certificates and
    ## sets the `InsecureSkipVerify` flag within Redis.
    ## Not eligible for live reload.
    # UseTLSInsecure: false

    ## Timeout is the timeout to use when communicating with Redis.
    ## It is rarely necessary to adjust this value.
    ## Accepts a duration string with units, like "5s".
    ## default: 5s
    ## Not eligible for live reload.
    # Timeout: 5s

## Collection Settings ##
  ## Collection contains the settings that are relevant to collecting spans
  ## together to make traces. If none of the memory settings are used, then
  ## Refinery will not attempt to limit its memory usage. This is not
  ## recommended for production use since a burst of traffic could cause
  ## Refinery to run out of memory and crash.
    ## CacheCapacity is the number of traces to keep in the cache's circular
    ## buffer.
    ## The collection cache is used to collect all spans into a trace as well
    ## as remember the sampling decision for any spans that might come in
    ## after the trace has been marked "complete" (either by timing out or
    ## seeing the root span). The number of traces in the cache should be
    ## many multiples (100x to 1000x) of the total number of concurrently
    ## active traces (trace throughput * trace duration).
    ## default: 10000
    ## Eligible for live reload.
    CacheCapacity: 640000

    ## AvailableMemory is the amount of system memory available to the
    ## Refinery process.
    ## This value will typically be set through an environment variable
    ## controlled by the container or deploy script. If this value is zero or
    ## not set, then `MaxMemory` cannot be used to calculate the maximum
    ## allocation and `MaxAlloc` will be used instead. If set, then this must
    ## be a memory size. 64-bit values are supported. Sizes with standard
    ## unit suffixes (`MB`, `GiB`, etc.) and Kubernetes units (`M`, `Gi`,
    ## etc.) are also supported. If set, `Collections.MaxAlloc` must not be
    ## defined.
    ## Eligible for live reload.
    # AvailableMemory: 4Gb

    ## MaxMemoryPercentage is the maximum percentage of memory that should be
    ## allocated by the span collector.
    ## If nonzero, then it must be an integer value between 1 and 100,
    ## representing the target maximum percentage of memory that should be
    ## allocated by the span collector. If set to a non-zero value, then once
    ## per tick (see `SendTicker`) the collector will compare total allocated
    ## bytes to this calculated value. If allocation is too high, then traces
    ## will be ejected from the cache early to reduce memory. Useful values
    ## for this setting are generally in the range of 70-90.
    ## default: 75
    ## Eligible for live reload.
    # MaxMemoryPercentage: 75

    ## MaxAlloc is the maximum number of bytes that should be allocated by
    ## the Collector.
    ## If set, then this must be a memory size. 64-bit values are supported.
    ## Sizes with standard unit suffixes (`MB`, `GiB`, etc) and Kubernetes
    ## units (`M`, `Gi`, etc) are also supported. See `MaxMemory` for more
    ## details. If set, `Collections.AvailableMemory` must not be defined.
    ## Eligible for live reload.
    MaxAlloc: 6400M

## Buffer Sizes ##
  ## BufferSizes contains the settings that are relevant to the sizes of
  ## communications buffers.
    ## UpstreamBufferSize is the size of the queue used to buffer spans to
    ## send to the upstream Collector.
    ## The size of the buffer is measured in spans. If the buffer fills up,
    ## then performance will degrade because Refinery will block while
    ## waiting for space to become available. If this happens, then you
    ## should increase the buffer size.
    ## default: 10000
    ## Eligible for live reload.
    # UpstreamBufferSize: 10_000

    ## PeerBufferSize is the size of the queue used to buffer spans to send
    ## to peer nodes.
    ## The size of the buffer is measured in spans. If the buffer fills up,
    ## then performance will degrade because Refinery will block while
    ## waiting for space to become available. If this happens, then you
    ## should increase this buffer size.
    ## default: 100000
    ## Eligible for live reload.
    PeerBufferSize: 10000

## Specialized Configuration ##
  ## Specialized contains special-purpose configuration options that are
  ## not typically needed.
    ## EnvironmentCacheTTL is the duration for which environment information
    ## is cached.
    ## This is the amount of time for which Refinery caches environment
    ## information, which it looks up from Honeycomb for each different
    ## `APIKey`. This information is used when making sampling decisions. If
    ## you have a very large number of environments, then you may want to
    ## increase this value.
    ## Accepts a duration string with units, like "1h".
    ## default: 1h
    ## Eligible for live reload.
    # EnvironmentCacheTTL: 1h

    ## CompressPeerCommunication determines whether Refinery will compress
    ## span data it forwards to peers.
    ## If it costs money to transmit data between Refinery instances (for
    ## example, when spread across AWS availability zones), then you almost
    ## certainly want compression enabled to reduce your bill. The option to
    ## disable it is provided as an escape hatch for deployments that value
    ## lower CPU utilization over data transfer costs.
    ## default: true
    ## Not eligible for live reload.
    # CompressPeerCommunication: true

    ## AdditionalAttributes is a map that can be used for injecting
    ## user-defined attributes into every span.
    ## For example, it could be used for naming a Refinery cluster. Both keys
    ## and values must be strings.
    ## Eligible for live reload.
    # AdditionalAttributes:
      #  ClusterName: MyCluster
      #  environment: production

## ID Fields ##
  ## IDFields controls the field names to use for the event ID fields.
  ## These fields are used to identify events that are part of the same
  ## trace.
    ## TraceNames is the list of field names to use for the trace ID.
    ## The first field in the list that is present in an incoming span will
    ## be used as the trace ID. If none of the fields are present, then
    ## Refinery treats the span as not being part of a trace and forwards it
    ## immediately to Honeycomb.
    ## Eligible for live reload.
    # TraceNames:
      # - trace.trace_id
      # - traceId

    ## ParentNames is the list of field names to use for the parent ID.
    ## The first field in the list that is present in an event will be used
    ## as the parent ID. A trace without a `parent_id` is assumed to be a
    ## root span.
    ## Eligible for live reload.
    # ParentNames:
      # - trace.parent_id
      # - parentId

## gRPC Server Parameters ##
  ## GRPCServerParameters controls the parameters of the gRPC server used
  ## to receive OpenTelemetry data in gRPC format.
    ## Enabled specifies whether the gRPC server is enabled.
    ## If `false`, then the gRPC server is not started and no gRPC traffic is
    ## accepted.
    ## Not eligible for live reload.
    Enabled: true

    ## ListenAddr is the address Refinery listens to for incoming GRPC
    ## OpenTelemetry events.
    ## Incoming traffic is expected to be unencrypted, so if using SSL, then
    ## put something like `nginx` in front to do the decryption.
    ## Should be an ip:port like "".
    ## Not eligible for live reload.
    ListenAddr: ""

    ## MaxConnectionIdle is the amount of time to permit an idle connection.
    ## A duration for the amount of time after which an idle connection will
    ## be closed by sending a GoAway. "Idle" means that there are no active
    ## RPCs. "0s" sets duration to infinity, but this is not recommended for
    ## Refinery deployments behind a load balancer, because it will prevent
    ## the load balancer from distributing load evenly among peers.
    ## Accepts a duration string with units, like "0s".
    ## default: 0s
    ## Not eligible for live reload.
    # MaxConnectionIdle: 0s

    ## MaxConnectionAge is the maximum amount of time a gRPC connection may
    ## exist.
    ## After this duration, the gRPC connection is closed by sending a
    ## `GoAway`. A random jitter of +/-10% will be added to
    ## `MaxConnectionAge` to spread out connection storms.
    ## `0s` sets duration to infinity; a value measured in low minutes will
    ## help load balancers to distribute load among peers more evenly.
    ## Accepts a duration string with units, like "3m".
    ## default: 3m
    ## Not eligible for live reload.
    # MaxConnectionAge: 3m

    ## MaxConnectionAgeGrace is the duration beyond `MaxConnectionAge` after
    ## which the connection will be forcibly closed.
    ## This setting is in case the upstream node ignores the `GoAway`
    ## request. "0s" sets duration to infinity.
    ## Accepts a duration string with units, like "60s".
    ## default: 60s
    ## Not eligible for live reload.
    # MaxConnectionAgeGrace: 60s

    ## KeepAlive is the duration between keep-alive pings.
    ## After this amount of time, if the client does not see any activity,
    ## then it pings the server to see if the transport is still alive. "0s"
    ## sets duration to 2 hours.
    ## Accepts a duration string with units, like "1m".
    ## default: 1m
    ## Not eligible for live reload.
    # KeepAlive: 1m

    ## KeepAliveTimeout is the duration the server waits for activity on the
    ## connection.
    ## This is the amount of time after which if the server does not see any
    ## activity, then it pings the client to see if the transport is still
    ## alive. "0s" sets duration to 20 seconds.
    ## Accepts a duration string with units, like "20s".
    ## default: 20s
    ## Not eligible for live reload.
    # KeepAliveTimeout: 20s

## Sample Cache ##
  ## SampleCache controls the sample cache used to retain information about
  ## trace status after the sampling decision has been made.
    ## KeptSize is the number of traces preserved in the cuckoo kept traces
    ## cache.
    ## Refinery keeps a record of each trace that was kept and sent to
    ## Honeycomb, along with some statistical information. This is most
    ## useful in cases where the trace was sent before sending the root span,
    ## so that the root span can be decorated with accurate metadata. Default
    ## is `10_000` traces. Each trace in this cache consumes roughly 200
    ## bytes.
    ## default: 10000
    ## Eligible for live reload.
    # KeptSize: 10_000

    ## DroppedSize is the size of the cuckoo dropped traces cache.
    ## This cache consumes 4-6 bytes per trace at a scale of millions of
    ## traces. Changing its size with live reload sets a future limit, but
    ## does not have an immediate effect.
    ## default: 1000000
    ## Eligible for live reload.
    # DroppedSize: 1_000_000

    ## SizeCheckInterval controls how often the cuckoo cache re-evaluates its
    ## remaining capacity.
    ## This cache is quite resilient so it does not need to happen very
    ## often, but the operation is also inexpensive. Default is 10 seconds.
    ## Accepts a duration string with units, like "10s".
    ## default: 10s
    ## Eligible for live reload.
    # SizeCheckInterval: 10s

## Stress Relief ##
  ## StressRelief controls the Stress Relief mechanism, which is used to
  ## prevent Refinery from being overwhelmed by a large number of traces.
  ## There is a metric called `stress_level` that is emitted as part of
  ## Refinery metrics. It is a measure of Refinery's throughput rate
  ## relative to its processing rate, combined with the amount of room in
  ## its internal queues, and ranges from `0` to `100`. `stress_level` is
  ## generally expected to be `0` except under heavy load. When stress
  ## levels reach `100`, there is an increased chance that Refinery will
  ## become unstable.
  ## To avoid this problem, the Stress Relief system can do deterministic
  ## sampling on new trace traffic based solely on `TraceID`, without
  ## having to store traces in the cache or take the time processing
  ## sampling rules. Existing traces in flight will be processed normally,
  ## but when Stress Relief is active, trace decisions are made
  ## deterministically on a per-span basis; all spans will be sampled
  ## according to the `SamplingRate` specified here.
  ## Once Stress Relief activates (by exceeding the `ActivationLevel`), it
  ## will not deactivate until `stress_level` falls below the
  ## `DeactivationLevel`. When it deactivates, normal trace decisions are
  ## made -- and any additional spans that arrive for traces that were
  ## active during Stress Relief will respect the decisions made during
  ## that time.
  ## The measurement of stress is a lagging indicator and is highly
  ## dependent on Refinery configuration and scaling. Other configuration
  ## values should be well tuned first, before adjusting the Stress Relief
  ## Activation parameters.
  ## Stress Relief is not a substitute for proper configuration and
  ## scaling, but it can be used as a safety valve to prevent Refinery from
  ## becoming unstable under heavy load.
    ## Mode is a string indicating how to use Stress Relief.
    ## This setting sets the Stress Relief mode.
    ## "never" means that Stress Relief will never activate.
    ## "monitor" is the recommended setting, and means that Stress Relief
    ## will monitor the status of Refinery and activate according to the
    ## levels set by fields such as `ActivationLevel`.
    ## "always" means that Stress Relief is always on, which may be useful in
    ## an emergency situation.
    ## default: never
    ## Eligible for live reload.
    # Mode: never

    ## ActivationLevel is the `stress_level` (from 0-100) at which Stress
    ## Relief is triggered.
    ## This value must be greater than `DeactivationLevel` and should be high
    ## enough that it is not reached in normal operation.
    ## default: 90
    ## Eligible for live reload.
    # ActivationLevel: 90

    ## DeactivationLevel is the `stress_level` (from 0-100) at which Stress
    ## Relief is turned off.
    ## This setting is subject to `MinimumActivationDuration`. The value must
    ## be less than `ActivationLevel`.
    ## default: 70
    ## Eligible for live reload.
    # DeactivationLevel: 70

    ## SamplingRate is the sampling rate to use when Stress Relief is
    ## activated.
    ## All new traces will be deterministically sampled at this rate based
    ## only on the `traceID`. It should be chosen to be a rate that sends
    ## fewer samples than the average sampling rate Refinery is expected to
    ## generate.
    ## For example, if Refinery is configured to normally sample at a rate of
    ## 1 in 10, then Stress Relief should be configured to sample at a rate
    ## of at least 1 in 30.
    ## default: 100
    ## Eligible for live reload.
    # SamplingRate: 100

    ## MinimumActivationDuration is the minimum time that Stress Relief will
    ## stay enabled once activated.
    ## This setting helps to prevent oscillations.
    ## Accepts a duration string with units, like "10s".
    ## default: 10s
    ## Eligible for live reload.
    # MinimumActivationDuration: 10s

    ## MinimumStartupDuration is the minimum time that Stress Relief will
    ## stay enabled.
    ## This setting is used when switching into Monitor mode.
    ## When Stress Relief is enabled, it will start up in stressed mode for
    ## at least this set duration of time to try to make sure that Refinery
    ## can handle the load before it begins processing it in earnest. This is
    ## to help address the problem of trying to bring a new node into an
    ## already-overloaded cluster.
    ## If this duration is `0`, then Refinery will not start in stressed
    ## mode, which will provide faster startup at the possible cost of
    ## startup instability.
    ## Accepts a duration string with units, like "3s".
    ## default: 3s
    ## Eligible for live reload.
    # MinimumStartupDuration: 3s

## Config values removed by the config converter ##
  ## The following configuration options are obsolete and are not included
  ## in the new configuration:
    ## - PeerManagement.Strategy
    ## - Collector
    ## - InMemCollector.CacheOverrunStrategy
    ## - SampleCacheConfig/SampleCache.Type
TylerHelmuth commented 1 year ago

@elainemccloskey thanks for bring this to our attention. I was able to reproduce your scenario. We will continue to investigate.

kentquirk commented 11 months ago

The identified items are present in the file but commented out because the specified values are the same as the default values, so there's no need to specify them.

This is working as designed.