hongfaqiu / MVTImageryProvider

Mapbox vector tiles(pbf) visulization on cesium
MIT License
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missing required property "version" #1

Closed moxuanzhu closed 2 years ago

moxuanzhu commented 2 years ago

missing required property "version" image

hongfaqiu commented 2 years ago

Reference to the Style Specification, the root node required "version" property, and must be 8.

hongfaqiu commented 2 years ago

Hi, I had improved the input style param, now can not only support Style Specification Object, but also support Cesium.Resource and url. 您好,我猜测您可能是将样式url填入了style参数中,我最近改进了style参数支持的数据类型,现在不仅支持原来的mapbox对象,也支持直接传入url或者Cesium资源对象了。