hongfaqiu / TIFFImageryProvider

Load GeoTIFF/COG(Cloud optimized GeoTIFF) on Cesium
MIT License
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Order cannot be adjusted with other providers. #26

Closed kwunjaehyun closed 3 months ago

kwunjaehyun commented 4 months ago

Thank you for providing a great library.

There is one problem: the order cannot be adjusted with other layers. It is always displayed at the top. Is it possible to solve it?

hongfaqiu commented 4 months ago

@kwunjaehyun TIFFImageryProvider is just a provider. Have you constructed the corresponding ImageryLayer? I haven't encountered any issues with adjusting the level of ImageryLayer in my project. Could you provide an online demo for debugging purposes? Here is my demo: https://stackblitz.com/edit/vitejs-vite-jeczao?file=src%2Findex.ts image