honggyukim / uftrace

Function graph tracer for C/C++/Rust/Python
GNU General Public License v2.0
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full dynamic tracing for ARM/Thumb #14

Open honggyukim opened 4 years ago

honggyukim commented 4 years ago

For thumb functions, we have to deal with a tricky problem.

The function prologue pattern might use thumb2 instructions randomly.

00024158 <command_replay>:
   24158:       f248 6334       movw    r3, #34356      ; 0x8634
   2415c:       f2c0 0306       movt    r3, #6
   24160:       e92d 4ff0       stmdb   sp!, {r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, r9, sl, fp, lr}
   24164:       2102            movs    r1, #2
00024f0c <delete_session_map>:
   24f0c:       b538            push    {r3, r4, r5, lr}
   24f0e:       4605            mov     r5, r0
   24f10:       69c0            ldr     r0, [r0, #28]
00024f28 <create_session>:
   24f28:       e92d 4ff0       stmdb   sp!, {r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, r9, sl, fp, lr}
   24f2c:       b089            sub     sp, #36 ; 0x24
   24f2e:       4680            mov     r8, r0

It's very difficult to patch trampoline code and store the original instructions because we don't know the boundary of the original instructions without disassemble the instruction correctly.

honggyukim commented 4 years ago

http://class.ece.iastate.edu/cpre288/resources/docs/Thumb-2SupplementReferenceManual.pdf image




honggyukim commented 4 years ago


$ cat qemu/disas/arm.c
/* NOTE: There are no checks in these routines that
   the relevant number of data bytes exist.  */

print_insn_arm (bfd_vma pc, struct disassemble_info *info)
  unsigned char b[4];
  long          given;
  int           status;
  int           is_thumb = false;
  int           is_data = false;
  unsigned int  size = 4;
  void          (*printer) (bfd_vma, struct disassemble_info *, long);
  int little;

  little = (info->endian == BFD_ENDIAN_LITTLE);
  is_thumb |= (pc & 1);
  pc &= ~(bfd_vma)1;

  if (force_thumb)
    is_thumb = true;

  info->bytes_per_line = 4;

  if (is_data)
      int i;

      /* size was already set above.  */
      info->bytes_per_chunk = size;
      printer = print_insn_data;

      status = info->read_memory_func (pc, (bfd_byte *)b, size, info);
      given = 0;
      if (little)
        for (i = size - 1; i >= 0; i--)
          given = b[i] | (given << 8);
        for (i = 0; i < (int) size; i++)
          given = b[i] | (given << 8);
  else if (!is_thumb)
      /* In ARM mode endianness is a straightforward issue: the instruction
         is four bytes long and is either ordered 0123 or 3210.  */
      printer = print_insn_arm_internal;
      info->bytes_per_chunk = 4;
      size = 4;

      status = info->read_memory_func (pc, (bfd_byte *)b, 4, info);
      if (little)
        given = (b[0]) | (b[1] << 8) | (b[2] << 16) | (b[3] << 24);
        given = (b[3]) | (b[2] << 8) | (b[1] << 16) | (b[0] << 24);
      /* In Thumb mode we have the additional wrinkle of two
         instruction lengths.  Fortunately, the bits that determine
         the length of the current instruction are always to be found
         in the first two bytes.  */
      printer = print_insn_thumb16;
      info->bytes_per_chunk = 2;
      size = 2;

      status = info->read_memory_func (pc, (bfd_byte *)b, 2, info);
      if (little)
        given = (b[0]) | (b[1] << 8);
        given = (b[1]) | (b[0] << 8);

      if (!status)
          /* These bit patterns signal a four-byte Thumb
             instruction.  */
          if ((given & 0xF800) == 0xF800
              || (given & 0xF800) == 0xF000
              || (given & 0xF800) == 0xE800)
              status = info->read_memory_func (pc + 2, (bfd_byte *)b, 2, info);
              if (little)
                given = (b[0]) | (b[1] << 8) | (given << 16);
                given = (b[1]) | (b[0] << 8) | (given << 16);

              printer = print_insn_thumb32;
              size = 4;

      if (ifthen_address != pc)
        find_ifthen_state(pc, info, little);

      if (ifthen_state)
          if ((ifthen_state & 0xf) == 0x8)
            ifthen_next_state = 0;
            ifthen_next_state = (ifthen_state & 0xe0)
                                | ((ifthen_state & 0xf) << 1);
honggyukim commented 4 years ago
$ objdump -d uftrace | grep "[0-9a-f][0-9a-f][0-9a-f][0-9a-f] [0-9a-f][0-9a-f][0-9a-f][0-9a-f]"

$ objdump -d uftrace | grep "[0-9a-f][0-9a-f][0-9a-f][0-9a-f] [0-9a-f][0-9a-f][0-9a-f][0-9a-f]" | sed 's/.*\([0-9a-f][0-9a-f][0-9a-f][0-9a-f] [0-9a-f][0-9a-f][0-9a-f][0-9a-f]\).*/\1/g'
honggyukim commented 4 years ago

The following may be a working function for our purpose.

/* check whether the given instruction is a Thumb32 instruction */
static bool is_thumb32(unsigned long given)
        if ((given & 0xf800) == 0xf800 ||
            (given & 0xf800) == 0xf000 ||
            (given & 0xf800) == 0xe800)
                return true;
        return false;
honggyukim commented 4 years ago



honggyukim commented 4 years ago


honggyukim commented 4 years ago
$ ./cstool -d thumb 0x00b5
 0  00 b5  push {lr}
        op_count: 1
                operands[0].type: REG = lr
                operands[0].access: READ
        Registers read: sp lr
        Registers modified: sp
        Groups: thumb thumb1only

$ ./cstool -d thumb 0x48f23463
 0  48 f2 34 63  movw   r3, #0x8634
        op_count: 2
                operands[0].type: REG = r3
                operands[0].access: WRITE
                operands[1].type: IMM = 0x8634
        Registers modified: r3
        Groups: thumb2
141b2:       e92d 47f0       stmdb   sp!, {r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, r9, sl, lr}

$ ./cstool -d thumb 0x2de9f047
 0  2d e9 f0 47  push.w {r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, sb, sl, lr}
        op_count: 8
                operands[0].type: REG = r4
                operands[0].access: READ | WRITE
                operands[1].type: REG = r5
                operands[1].access: READ | WRITE
                operands[2].type: REG = r6
                operands[2].access: READ | WRITE
                operands[3].type: REG = r7
                operands[3].access: READ | WRITE
                operands[4].type: REG = r8
                operands[4].access: READ | WRITE
                operands[5].type: REG = sb
                operands[5].access: READ | WRITE
                operands[6].type: REG = sl
                operands[6].access: READ | WRITE
                operands[7].type: REG = lr
                operands[7].access: READ | WRITE
        Registers read: sp r4 r5 r6 r7 r8 sb sl lr
        Registers modified: sp r4 r5 r6 r7 r8 sb sl lr
        Groups: thumb2
honggyukim commented 4 years ago

The following example jumps back to the prologue and it makes the program crashed. This case has to be detected in advance.

0003356c <uftrace_match_filter>:
   3356c:       e92d 41f0       stmdb   sp!, {r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, lr}
   33570:       461d            mov     r5, r3
   33572:       6814            ldr     r4, [r2, #0]        # Here is the branch target
   33574:       b1e4            cbz     r4, 335b0 <uftrace_match_filter+0x44>
   33576:       6926            ldr     r6, [r4, #16]
   33578:       42b0            cmp     r0, r6
   335bc:       42b0            cmpeq   r0, r6
   335be:       f104 0208       add.w   r2, r4, #8
   335c2:       d3d6            bcc.n   33572 <uftrace_match_filter+0x6>    # jumps back to prologue
   335c4:       1d22            adds    r2, r4, #4
   335c6:       e7d4            b.n     33572 <uftrace_match_filter+0x6>    # jumps back to prologue
   335c8:       f641 40c0       movw    r0, #7360       ; 0x1cc0
   335cc:       68e1            ldr     r1, [r4, #12]
   335ce:       f2c0 0005       movt    r0, #5
   335d2:       f000 fead       bl      34330 <__pr_dbg>
   335d6:       f8d8 300c       ldr.w   r3, [r8, #12]
   335da:       2b02            cmp     r3, #2
   335dc:       dde8            ble.n   335b0 <uftrace_match_filter+0x44>
   335de:       4628            mov     r0, r5
   335e0:       f7ff fda4       bl      3312c <print_trigger>
   335e4:       4620            mov     r0, r4
   335e6:       e8bd 81f0       ldmia.w sp!, {r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, pc}
   335ea:       bf00            nop
honggyukim commented 4 years ago

code snippet to detect whether PC register is used.

        cs_regs regs_read, regs_write;
        uint8_t regs_read_count, regs_write_count;

        /* check if the instruction uses PC register */
        if (cs_regs_access(disasm->engine, insn, regs_read, &regs_read_count,
                           regs_write, &regs_write_count)) {
                return -1;

        for (i = 0; i < regs_read_count; i++) {
                if (regs_read[i] == ARM_REG_PC) {
                        fprintf(stderr, "read PC reg\n");
                        return -1;
        for (i = 0; i < regs_write_count; i++) {
                if (regs_write[i] == ARM_REG_PC) {
                        fprintf(stderr, "write PC reg\n");
                        return -1;