hongoclanthao / ML-C-CoderSchool

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Thanks! #1

Open coderschoolreview opened 5 years ago

coderschoolreview commented 5 years ago

Could write in this style for cleaner code & easier to read:

condition 1 = dataframe['colA'] == 'Value 1'
condition 2 = dataframe['colA'] > 100 

#number of row in dataframe satisfy both condition 
sum(condition 1 & condition 2)

Overall most answer are correct, missing 2 questions :

coderschoolreview commented 5 years ago

Missing question 16

For reference: Regression Metric


from sklearn.metrics import mean_absolute_error,mean_squared_error
mae = mean_absolute_error = (y_test,y_predict)
mse = mean_square_error = (y_test,y_predict)
rmse = mse**.5
coderschoolreview commented 5 years ago

Good work, all answer are correct

Didn't work cause folder "data" didn't exist. Could fix this by creating folder data in same folder with the notebook.

coderschoolreview commented 5 years ago

Assignment 4:



coderschoolreview commented 5 years ago

Thao Ho: Assignment 5

The goal of this assignment was to introduce you following concepts in Machine Learning:

Things you did well

Things to work on

Minor tips

coderschoolreview commented 5 years ago

Assignment 6

Goal of this Assignment

The goal of this assignment was to introduce you to following concepts:

You learn how to use PCA for dimension reduction, KMeans, and Hierarchical Clustering. Also you learn to visualize the result of both tenichque.

Things you did well:

To sum up:

Few minor tips

Could try this shorter version:

total_purchases = data.sum(axis=1)
purchase_percent = data.div(total_purchases, axis=0) * 100