Great work! What is the process for recovering the 3d mesh from ground truth 3d joints? Assume I am starting from a 3d skeleton, I would like to build a representative volumetric SMPL model (neutral shape). My skeleton system has 29 joints (coco + [neck, pelvis, lPinky, lThumb, lHeel, lSmallToe, lBigToe, rPinky, rThumb, rHeel, rSmallToe, rBigToe]) and the coordinates are in absolute terms (they would need to be normalized). Grateful for your help.
Great work! What is the process for recovering the 3d mesh from ground truth 3d joints? Assume I am starting from a 3d skeleton, I would like to build a representative volumetric SMPL model (neutral shape). My skeleton system has 29 joints (coco + [neck, pelvis, lPinky, lThumb, lHeel, lSmallToe, lBigToe, rPinky, rThumb, rHeel, rSmallToe, rBigToe]) and the coordinates are in absolute terms (they would need to be normalized). Grateful for your help.