hongsukchoi / TCMR_RELEASE

Official Pytorch implementation of "Beyond Static Features for Temporally Consistent 3D Human Pose and Shape from a Video", CVPR 2021
MIT License
274 stars 39 forks source link

Reproduction of the numbers in Table 6 #10

Open Seethevoice opened 2 years ago

Seethevoice commented 2 years ago

Dear hongsukchoi,

Could you please provide the NeuralAnnot SMPL annotations of Human36M so that users can reproduce Table 6?

Thank you a lot.

hongsukchoi commented 2 years ago

Dear @Seethevoice,

I also want to, but the NeuralAnnot annotations will be provided after the publication. Alternatively, you could try out SMPLify-X SMPL annotatioins provided here: https://github.com/mks0601/I2L-MeshNet_RELEASE

flyyyyer commented 2 years ago

The paper is published, could you please provide the NeuralAnnot SMPL annotations of Human36M so that users can reproduce Table 6?

hongsukchoi commented 2 years ago

@flyyyyer I don't understand. Where is it published?

flyyyyer commented 2 years ago

Sorry, I mean TCMR is published. Could you please provide the NeuralAnnot SMPL annotations of Human36M so that users can reproduce Table 6?

hongsukchoi commented 2 years ago


NeuralAnnot is currently under review. If you want the annotations before its publication, please ask the first of the paper.