hongyangqin / HyNote

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[Latex][Tikz] 节点或坐标加上一定偏移 #63

Open hongyangqin opened 7 years ago

hongyangqin commented 7 years ago


\draw[line width=4] ([xshift=0.3pt]coorda) -- ([xshift=-0.3pt]coordb);

\draw[line width=4] % Set pen properties
(coorda) % move to coorda labeled point. This is the current point now.
++(0.3pt,0) % move the pen 0.3pt to the right relative to coorda
-- %put the pen down
(coordb) % draw the line. This is the current point now.
 ++(-0.3pt,0) % lift the pen and move 0.3pt to the left relative to coordb, 
              % if there was a -- here it would still draw it
; % we are done



How can I add offsets to coordinates in tikz?