Open darklight9811 opened 1 day ago
bun 1.1.37
This is compliant with zod-form-data
// biome-ignore lint/suspicious/noExplicitAny: <explanation> export function appendFormData(data: any, root: string, formData: FormData) { if (data instanceof File) return formData.append(root, data); if (Array.isArray(data)) { for (let i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { appendFormData(data[i], `${root}[${i}]`, formData); } return; } if (data instanceof Date) { return formData.append(root, data.toISOString()); } if (typeof data === "object" && data) { for (const key in data) { // biome-ignore lint/suspicious/noPrototypeBuiltins: <explanation> if (data.hasOwnProperty(key)) { if (root === "") appendFormData(data[key], key, formData); else appendFormData(data[key], `${root}.${key}`, formData); } } return; } if (data !== null && typeof data !== "undefined") return formData.append(root, data); } export function objectToFormData(obj: unknown, rootName = "") { const formData = new FormData(); appendFormData(obj, rootName, formData); return formData; } '/posts', validator('form', (value, c) => { console.log(value); //...
Have deep nested objects sent like this:
FormData { name: "Test", img: File (170.37 KB) { name: "Purple.png", type: "image/png" }, "": "dXJuOm1ieHBvaTpkNjUyMjUxOC04NDMzLTRlNzQtYjM5MS1iOGRkZDZlZDg4ZTA", "address.label": "Testaccio market, 00153 Rome, Italy", "address.coords[0]": 12.47373157, "address.coords[1]": 41.87758156, }
To be parsed like this:
{ name: "Test", img: File (170.37 KB) { name: "Purple.png", type: "image/png" }, "address": { "id": "dXJuOm1ieHBvaTpkNjUyMjUxOC04NDMzLTRlNzQtYjM5MS1iOGRkZDZlZDg4ZTA", "label": "Testaccio market, 00153 Rome, Italy", "coords": [12.47373157, 41.87758156], } }
{ name: "Test", img: File (170.37 KB) { name: "Purple.png", type: "image/png" }, "": "dXJuOm1ieHBvaTpkNjUyMjUxOC04NDMzLTRlNzQtYjM5MS1iOGRkZDZlZDg4ZTA", "address.label": "Testaccio market, 00153 Rome, Italy", "address.coords[0]": "12.47373157", "address.coords[1]": "41.87758156", }
Also noticed the number got cast into string
Hi @darklight9811
Do you think this is a bug or a feature request?
Hi @darklight9811 Do you think this is a bug or a feature request?
I think it fits both, since it's a limitation
What version of Hono are you using?
What runtime/platform is your app running on? (with version if possible)
bun 1.1.37
What steps can reproduce the bug?
This is compliant with zod-form-data
What is the expected behavior?
Have deep nested objects sent like this:
To be parsed like this:
What do you see instead?
Additional information
Also noticed the number got cast into string