honojs / hono

Web framework built on Web Standards
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[Discussion] What middleware do you want? #482

Open yusukebe opened 1 year ago

yusukebe commented 1 year ago

From v2.0.0, we can create 3rd party middleware. So far, the following 3rd-party middleware has been created.

GraphQL Middleware was originally provided as Built-in Middleware, which I also use. Firebase Auth make more authentication options for Cloudflare Workers. Validator Middleware is my creation, and I like it. Sentry Middleware will be very helpful in catching errors at the edge.

Next, What middleware do you want?

If there is any Middleware you want, please comment here, even if you don't make it yourself. Someone may make it. You may also get other ideas by seeing the ideas here.

rishavs commented 1 year ago

Error Handler. We should be able to throw exceptions anywhere in the code and the middleware should catch it, so that it can in turn handle it as a 500 error page, 404 error page or anything else, based on the error type.

yusukebe commented 1 year ago

Hi @rishavs !

Thank you for your comment. Are app.notFound and app.onError not enough? Indeed, Hono does not have the original Error objects.

// https://honojs.dev/docs/api/hono/#not-found
app.notFound((c) => {
  return c.text('Custom 404 Message', 404)

// https://honojs.dev/docs/api/hono/#error-handling
app.onError((err, c) => {
  return c.text('Custom Error Message', 500)
rishavs commented 1 year ago

Let me try them. I don't think they are documented anywhere right now.

The way I was handling errors was something like this;

// deno-lint-ignore-file
import { Hono } from 'https://deno.land/x/hono/mod.ts'
import {render} from "./../views/render.js"
import {postsList} from "./../views/pages/postsList.js"

const showPostsListPage = new Hono()
showPostsListPage.get('/', async (c) => {
    try {
        const page = await postsList()
        var props = {
            title: "Posts List",
            description: "This here is the description of the post list page",
            page : page
        const view = render(props)
        return c.html(view)    
    } catch (err) {
        return c.html ("500 ERROR")

export {showPostsListPage}

and I had to put the try catch on every single route. but app.onError seems to be exactly what I wanted. Thanks.

yusukebe commented 1 year ago

I don't think they are documented anywhere right now.

Yes, it is not well documented. We have to write better, cc: @ThatOneBro :)

rishavs commented 1 year ago

Some other middlewares that would be great to have are;

  1. Helmet
  2. body parser
  3. cookie parser
  4. timeout
yusukebe commented 1 year ago


Helmet would be nice.

Body parser and cookie parser are already included in the core.


// Parse cookie
app.get('/entry/:id', (c) => {
  const value = c.req.cookie('name')

// Parse Request body
 app.post('', async (c) => {
   const body = await c.req.parseBody()

These are not documented well too.

jbergstroem commented 1 year ago

Opentracing or similar (https://github.com/openzipkin/b3-propagation/blob/master/README.md)!

SwatDoge commented 1 year ago

I'd love some non-3rd-party authentication middleware(s)! Just some simple register/signup that stores data in a database (bun's built in sqlite db's for example)

It could also extend to other best practices like GDPR compliance, session storage, forgot password, etc. It would save a lot of time, and the need for another completely unrelated library. (Featherjs in my situation, which also comes with its own http server)

matthewrobb commented 1 year ago

Cloudflare R2 Bucket CRUD :)

Also more convenience around Durable Objects & WebSockets

stefanmaric commented 1 year ago

Cloudflare R2 Bucket CRUD :)

Also a R2 pass-through middleware would be interesting, to serve and cache a R2 bucket as a static site. Something in the lines of kotx/render.

yusukebe commented 1 year ago


yusukebe commented 1 year ago

Hi @icrayix !

Thank you for using Hono.

apart from the kind of insufficient docs LOL

Ha, Ha. We have to write more good documents.

The thing I wanted to ask is the state of the already created 3rd-party middleware. I've already found the corresponding repo but that seems pretty empty.

There are some middleware managed in every independent repository:

We want to move these repositories to monorepo, this repository:


We can't do that yet. Nevertheless, the above monorepo has a minimal setup, so adding new middleware may be easy if we want to do so.

So yeah just wanted to know if any of the above-mentioned middleware has already been created?

No, not yet. Some of them are still in the idea stage, but others like tRPC could be implemented already

yusukebe commented 1 year ago

Just wondering, why is that?

Mainly the main maintainer (me) should do that, but I don't have time. I'm not a full-time open-source developer.

So is that repo actually open for contributions?

Yes, it's open. You can create PR for the repository.

samal-rasmussen commented 1 year ago

WebSocket support.

dagnelies commented 1 year ago

It might sound strange, but I would prefer not to see more middleware. Since it's for workers which interprets code on the fly, it's IMHO better to be minimalistic rather than risking the bloat of having too many features. I find the current list of middleware really hits the sweet spot, and I would really think twice about adding something. I think it is very wise to keep the more exotic ones (especially connections to 3rd party services) in separate repositories like you did.

If there was one thing I'd say I miss, it's generating an OpenAPI spec out of the box, or through a middleware. Although I don't use them currently, I can see websocket support as a nice addition too.

Regarding the validation, that's one thing I'm not really a fan of. I prefer to validate in the endpoint itself using a more powerful lib like https://github.com/grantila/suretype where you get both the validation, the typing, can produce schemas, etc.

silvioprog commented 1 year ago

OpenAPI / Swagger support πŸ™

a-eid commented 1 year ago

TRPC support would be great.

yusukebe commented 1 year ago


Released "tRPC Server Middleware" now. Check it out!


finalclass commented 1 year ago

Proxy would be a great addition. Something as simple as this: https://deno.land/x/oak_http_proxy@2.1.0

jbergstroem commented 1 year ago

Proxy would be a great addition. Something as simple as this: deno.land/x/oak_http_proxy@2.1.0

..or reflare! https://github.com/xiaoyang-sde/reflare

ruizyi commented 1 year ago

session controller and MySql(MariaDB)

zuohuadong commented 1 year ago

storage : awe-s3

donferi commented 1 year ago

Datadog for logs or some other 3rd party logging! πŸ™

mpint commented 1 year ago

HMAC signature validation for verifying webhooks akin to https://github.com/gr2m/cloudflare-worker-github-app-example/blob/dee1c7766065058fde2a8bf366f2f2b729ea2d3f/worker.js

Durable Objects tooling akin to hyper-durable

mikestopcontinues commented 11 months ago

Websockets, Reverse Proxy, Prometheus.

ryoppippi commented 11 months ago

OpenAPI/Swagger support

masterbater commented 10 months ago

openapi is really very important

alex8bitw commented 10 months ago


alex8bitw commented 10 months ago

Proxy would be a great addition. Something as simple as this: deno.land/x/oak_http_proxy@2.1.0

..or reflare! https://github.com/xiaoyang-sde/reflare Now that reflare is gone, something needs to fill that space.

jbergstroem commented 10 months ago

Proxy would be a great addition. Something as simple as this: deno.land/x/oak_http_proxy@2.1.0

..or reflare! https://github.com/xiaoyang-sde/reflare

Now that reflare is gone, something needs to fill that space.

h3 can proxy requests.

RichardOestigaard commented 9 months ago

JSON Schema validation for the serialization of a response's body - similar to the one in fastify

This could provide major performance enhancements.

fabiospampinato commented 9 months ago

A session middleware to use to replace expression-session would be pretty handy, and a lot of people might need something like that.

yusukebe commented 9 months ago

Ah indeed, making a session middleware is good.

calebkish commented 8 months ago

Rate limiting middleware that would use an in-memory store by default but would be extensible enough to allow using something like redis for example.

alex8bitw commented 8 months ago

Rate limiting middleware that would use an in-memory store by default but would be extensible enough to allow using something like redis for example.

In-memory data store doesn't work for edge workers.

o-az commented 8 months ago

Cloudflare Queues. Currently doesn’t work with Hono. Would be great!

edugenesis commented 8 months ago

@o-az It seems like Cloudflare Queues do work with hono: https://github.com/orgs/honojs/discussions/1163#discussioncomment-6096815

nickchomey commented 8 months ago

Service workers/pwa/google workbox for use in client browser (though workbox has its own routing module)

dickeyy commented 4 months ago

Rate limiting middleware that would use an in-memory store by default but would be extensible enough to allow using something like redis for example.

In-memory data store doesn't work for edge workers.

Is there any workaround to this? I am thinking about making a rate limit middleware for Hono because I use it in many of my projects and a rate limiter would be great. Curious to know if any community member has already made one or if it's even worth pursuing.

MathurAditya724 commented 3 months ago

Hey, I am working on a rate limiter in Hono for my project, @dickeyy if you are interested we can collaborate.

MathurAditya724 commented 3 months ago

Hey everyone! πŸš€ Excited to share that I've just launched hono-rate-limiter – a middleware for managing rate limiting in Hono applications! Currently at version v0.1.1, as I need to check If this works in multiple runtimes. Would love to hear your feedback and suggestions on it. Check it out - https://github.com/rhinobase/hono-rate-limiter

kazlo1290 commented 3 months ago

Hello! I want to use Swagger like this, it is so easy to use.


leognmotta commented 1 week ago
