honojs / vite-plugins

Vite Plugins for Hono
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Hono ViteDevServer takes 2s to serve index html #114

Closed Phoscur closed 6 months ago

Phoscur commented 6 months ago

Hiho, First of all, I like Hono (played around with it last month), especially the feature that it can run in a service worker...!

If Hono has such great speed, this also needs to apply in the development environment: There is a bottleneck in the current dev-server implementation, it always takes around two seconds on Windows (Node v21.7) to return the index HTML.

Is on-demand TypeScript compilation taking too much time? Should I use Bun for faster server responses?


  1. Run npm create hono@latest - choose x-basic & npm & Y to install
  2. npm run dev
  3. open localhost:5173 with dev tools network tab open
  4. (trigger a) refresh: /-document takes about 2000ms load


Yesterday, I've tried to make Vite a middleware for Hono instead: (based on https://github.com/bluwy/create-vite-extra/blob/master/template-ssr-vanilla/server.js#L23)

  const { createServer } = await import("vite")
  vite = await createServer({
    server: { middlewareMode: true },
    appType: "custom",
  const vmw = (c, body) => new Promise(resolve => vite.middlewares({
    headers: c.req.raw.headers,
    url: c.req.url,
  }, {
    setHeader: c.header,
  }, resolve))
  // inject into nodemon/tsx reloaded server
  app.use(async (c, next) => {
    await next()
    return vmw(c, await c.req.parseBody())

It does not serve the client files yet, probably req.url handling being different...?

Here is a related discussion: https://github.com/orgs/honojs/discussions/1520

I think it would be nice to have two utilities:

These come in very handy when trying to migrate projects. Or when adapting existing Connect middleware until it is rewritten for performance reasons (in this case, hono-vite-dev-server has matured).

yusukebe commented 6 months ago

Hi @Phoscur

I never felt it was too late. In my environment, it is very fast.

Screenshot 2024-03-30 at 18 49 49

And @hono/vite-dev-server is doing what you're talking about.


Phoscur commented 6 months ago

In my environment

Which is? Have you tried on Windows?


Yes exactly. I still wonder if it might be worth trying to reverse the approach to using Vite as a middleware like here: https://github.com/bluwy/create-vite-extra/blob/master/template-ssr-vanilla/server.js#L23

Phoscur commented 6 months ago

OK ouch, I can only reproduce this slow load in my (favorite Developer) Firefox :( So it's not Windows. Chromium loads it in 3ms

Phoscur commented 6 months ago

So I freshly installed vanilla Firefox, which does not have the issue so I guess it's on my side and one of my extensions... or I just have too many tabs open... omg time to close this issue.

@yusukebe do you want me to comment my feature request for the Connect Adapters in the discussion (again)?

yusukebe commented 6 months ago


Making Connect Adapters is interesting. However, using them means converting Node.js Incoming/Outgoing Messages to web-standard Request/Response, which leads to performance degradation.

I don't want to do too much. Users can create their own projects, and we can link to them on our website. You are welcome to do so.