honza / vim-snippets

vim-snipmate default snippets (Previously snipmate-snippets)
MIT License
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How can i do markdown TOC #1239

Open caryyu opened 4 years ago

caryyu commented 4 years ago

like title said

lpil commented 4 years ago

Could you expand a little please? I don't understand the question.

caryyu commented 4 years ago

@lpil Sorry for that, what i mean is how to generate markdown ToC(Table Of Content) by using the snippets from this repo, Now I'm using another plugin for that.

lpil commented 4 years ago

This project only has snippets so any functionality that requires more than that would need to come from another plugin I'm afraid

caryyu commented 4 years ago

I guess i am being aware of what the boundary between snippets and generators is to let it only have the structure in place, and then let end-users themselves correct the anchors, what do you think @lpil

lpil commented 4 years ago

If you've some ideas for useful snippets please open a PR :)