hoobs-org / hoobsd

Server component for the certified HOOBS smart home stack.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Restore Failed, wrong version, no plugins installed #109

Closed BobbySlope closed 2 years ago

BobbySlope commented 2 years ago

According to the ticket report and support call, this was the initial situation of the customer:

a) Hoobs version under 4.0.x or 4.1.x, in any case under version 4.2.x b) had problems with Ring Plugin, this caused him to update hoobs resp. execute the fix via terminal: curl -sk https://dl.hoobs.org/fix | sudo bash c) after that nothing worked, hoobs not reachable via app or browser anymore only via ssh d) pulled image 4.2.3 and reflashed sdcard e) hoobs update to 4.2.5 f) backup restore successful: 1x Bridge and multiple accessories (config file) g) plugins not installed, cache (bridge) empty h) plugin installation into restored bridge not successful i) warm hoobs restart did nothing ( Customer uses 1 Bridge (dummy bridge) for all accessories) j) plugin installation with own separate bridge successful

steps d)-j) run and tested via remote access, same result. Conclusion:




BobbySlope commented 2 years ago

The bugreport above is comming from claudio.

I have experienced the same with non installing plugins with a restore. Config seams to be written. Once you install the plugin into the bridge the config will be there

mkellsy commented 2 years ago

The issue is the homebridge-octoprint-temp. It was completely removed by the dev. https://www.npmjs.com/package/homebridge-octoprint-temp (404 Error)

This needs to be removed. Unfortunately you will not be able to use this plugin anymore. This plugin may replace that functionality. https://www.npmjs.com/package/homebridge-octoprint