hoochicken / plg_content_qlwiki

Joomla! extensions; Add tag {'qlwiki'} into article text. Via url parameter you can connect to a wiki; e. g.: {'qlwiki url=http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joomla'}.
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Small icons alignment - fix #2

Open joomleb opened 3 years ago

joomleb commented 3 years ago

Hi, PHP 7.3.22 + Joomla 3.9.21 + qlwiki + Helix Ultimate framework (Bootstrap 4)

The embed wikipedia page, here an example, do not align all the small icons like flags. It seems because of an img CSS setting: img { display: block; } Excluding it the issue is fixed. I really do not know where it is from, maybe a Bootstrap 4 qlwiki incmpatibility ? (on Beez3 and Protostar are shown well)

hoochicken commented 3 years ago

Thank you for your message. ANd the test pagde, Great!!! I don't understand completely what iceon are displayed badly ... but I can tell you, that the display: block command is seated in the template's css, see here:

The template needs this command. You might fix the issue by adding the following line to the css commands (in a custom. css file or wherever else it belongs):

.qlwiki img {display:initial;}

Thus the template's command is reverted only for the qlwiki. Maybe you want to give it a try:-)

joomleb commented 3 years ago

Hi, really many thanks for your answer! I was quite sure it was from the template, but being a "Bootstrap 4" template I put it in evidence to you, because Joomla 4 will be released based on it and, maybe, it is from bootstrap 4 and not from the template. In that case your fix should be integrated into qlwiki. Here an image of the issue: https://photos.app.goo.gl/bNSPZdw8DkkZoM6x8

joomleb commented 1 year ago

Hi @hoochicken Please, Have you tested it with Joomla 4 / Bootstrap 5 (Template Helix Ultimate 2.0.12) ? Did you add .qlwiki img to the plugin CSS ?

hoochicken commented 1 year ago

I'll go bit by bit through theses issues .... aaaah, work ...