hoodie / notify-rust

☝️send desktop notifications from your Rust app.
Apache License 2.0
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Need some help and guidance in ZBus error on Linux #190

Closed earljohn004 closed 1 year ago

earljohn004 commented 1 year ago


I am new to rust and notify-rust. I am making some POC for some application and I want to integrate this.

Problem: I am encountering some errors on Linux environment on runtime and I don't understand what is wrong on Linux. I have referred to toastify and this is my current configuration

version = "4.5"
default-features = false

default = ["z"]
d = ["notify-rust/d"]
z = ["notify-rust/z"]
images = ["notify-rust/images"]

I have created some helper function in some crate. It looks just like this

use notify_rust::Notification;

pub fn show_toast_notification() -> Result<(), notify_rust::error::Error> {
        .summary("Test Summary")
        .body("This is a dummy error. Testing notification")

I need this to work in cross platform:

I am confused why I am encountering an error in ZBus with "No such file or directory". Maybe you have an idea on what this could mean.

Thank you.