We are excited to announce that Carolina, most famous in Hoodie land for creating the illustrations of the Hoodie Animals, will create an illustration for the Hoodie Camp Release.
Hoodie Camp Release?
... is the name for our upcoming Hoodie release. We called it "Tent Release" in the past, see The (Larger) Hoodie Roadmap. But we settled for Camp, because while tent might be the product (the code), Hoodie is about much more than just code, and we think that Camp can illustrate that better.
The thinking behind calling it the Camp Release is to set the right expectations. It won’t be super shiny and easy to use. It will be rough around the edges, it might even fall apart every know and then or be leaky. But for everyone working on it, it will be a unique, fun experience. And you only have the opportunity to be part of it once :) We decided to focus on the experience of the contributors for this release, which is why we re-created all the Hoodie code from the ground up, split it into smaller modules, to lower the barrier for new Code contributors. At the same time we started the Hoodie Editorial Team, and we hope to do the same with an official Documentation & Design team soon.
What should go on the Camp Release Illustration?
This will be the main illustration for the upcoming release. We will market it on the Blog, Newsletter and the website, and we would like to use this illustration at all these places
Our current idea is to have an illustration of the Hoodie animals sitting around a camp fire, with a single big tent behind them. I think a single big tent is better than separate smaller tents, being the symbol for the Hoodie Code.
All these animals (think: teams) play their important role for this release, and maybe they should be illustration in a certain way? We are open for your ideas :D
Carolina will start working on this soon, so please let us know what you think
We are excited to announce that Carolina, most famous in Hoodie land for creating the illustrations of the Hoodie Animals, will create an illustration for the Hoodie Camp Release.
Hoodie Camp Release?
... is the name for our upcoming Hoodie release. We called it "Tent Release" in the past, see The (Larger) Hoodie Roadmap. But we settled for Camp, because while tent might be the product (the code), Hoodie is about much more than just code, and we think that Camp can illustrate that better.
The thinking behind calling it the Camp Release is to set the right expectations. It won’t be super shiny and easy to use. It will be rough around the edges, it might even fall apart every know and then or be leaky. But for everyone working on it, it will be a unique, fun experience. And you only have the opportunity to be part of it once :) We decided to focus on the experience of the contributors for this release, which is why we re-created all the Hoodie code from the ground up, split it into smaller modules, to lower the barrier for new Code contributors. At the same time we started the Hoodie Editorial Team, and we hope to do the same with an official Documentation & Design team soon.
What should go on the Camp Release Illustration?
This will be the main illustration for the upcoming release. We will market it on the Blog, Newsletter and the website, and we would like to use this illustration at all these places
Our current idea is to have an illustration of the Hoodie animals sitting around a camp fire, with a single big tent behind them. I think a single big tent is better than separate smaller tents, being the symbol for the Hoodie Code.
The Hoodie animals we have so far are
All these animals (think: teams) play their important role for this release, and maybe they should be illustration in a certain way? We are open for your ideas :D
Carolina will start working on this soon, so please let us know what you think