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Post Proposal: Meet the Hoodies (Series) #14

Closed schisepo closed 8 years ago

schisepo commented 8 years ago

What is your blog post about? Describe it in about one paragraph.

This series will celebrate the Hoodies, our fantastic community of contributors. Each episode will feature one contributor and will involve them answering the below questions and submitting a quirky photo to go with the post:

  1. What's your favorite animal?
  2. What's your role / what have you contributed to Hoodie?
  3. What's your favorite use of Hoodie in the wild?
  4. What in your opinion makes the Hoodie project unique and interesting?
  5. What advice do you have for aspiring Hoodie contributors?

Approximately how long do you think the post will be?

Each post will be a maximum of 1000 words depending on how verbose the contributor is :smile:

Approximately how long do you think it will take you to write this post?

2 days for each contributor

Do you think your post could make use of any illustrations or photographs?

Yes! Photographs of the featured Hoodie and an animal muse would be cool :grin:

Do you have any links to previous writing?


Where else can we find you on the internet? (e.g. your blog, Tumblr, Medium, Twitter, etc.)


Anything else you want to tell us?

This will be a fantastic series :rocket:

markpalfreeman commented 8 years ago

Thanks for starting this!

Other question ideas to consider:

(I think from a process perspective, this Meet the Hoodies idea is already "approved" via #9, so maybe we should move forward with creating an Interview Questions .md document that can be edited/refined—I'm still getting used to project management in GitHub 😁)

schisepo commented 8 years ago

Thanks for the feedback @markpalfreeman :smile:

Yes, the idea is approved so this was mainly to test-drive the process (I'm pretty new to git-hub as well so its a learning curve) I'm thinking that we consider the issue approved and comment on here with other question ideas (Like your fantastic contribution above :smile_cat: ) or I can create a sub-folder for proposals like @remixz has done for documents and move questions to a file in that that folder.

remixz commented 8 years ago

:+1: for test-driving the process now. The more time we spend with our processes early, the better prepared we'll be to use them efficiently later with more people, as we take on more editorial projects.

For these kind of recurring series, I think it'd make sense that we spend a couple days collecting feedback from everyone in the community, and then documenting what we came up with in the repo, as @schisepo has suggested.

By the way, all these question ideas look great! :tada: It'd be great to have a balance of Hoodie-specific questions and general open-source questions, so that these can become valuable resources for people wanting to get started in the open-source community.

Now, for some thoughts on what we do after we've determined the questions:

varjmes commented 8 years ago

Rather than dogs/cats I'd prefer "whats your favourite animal?" :)

schisepo commented 8 years ago

@markpalfreeman @Charlotteis, @remixz looks like the 72 hour review window is up for this proposal. :tada: Going with @remixz suggestion, I'd like to create an issue for our first featured Hoodie to respond to the interview questions, after which we'll create a file in markdown for editing and subsequent publishing :smile:

@Charlotteis - who are the Hoodies :see_no_evil: :blush: ? i.e who are the candidates for our series and is there somewhere I can get a list? I suggest featuring them in ascending (or descending) alphabetical order of name so that the order in which they appear does not imply their value to the project.

varjmes commented 8 years ago

@schisepo The 72 hour window for was process changes (e.g. We should only refer to each other by secret codename), not proposals :) However, I see no reason why we cannot go ahead with this and making a new issue for the first Hoodie would be great.

@janl could you help us with the 'Hoodies'? I know we've already interviewed some in the past. I also know I have not been interviewed, nor has @hipsterbrown but if we could work together to compile a list that'd be great.

HipsterBrown commented 8 years ago

There is a decent list here, http://hood.ie/community/, although it may not be the most up-to-date/complete list.

varjmes commented 8 years ago

not up to date (in the sense that I think some people have left?) but that is a good start. Need to work out who has been interviewed (the blog should be able to tell you that if you go through the archives) unless we wish to interview everyone again :)

schisepo commented 8 years ago

thanks @HipsterBrown and @Charlotteis Here's the list :point_down: I've put \ next to names featured in the "A Hoodie for you" series.Am I missing anyone or including someone who's left? We'll start with @espy 's profile :smiley:

Alex Feyerke espy Caolan McMahon caolan Carolina Buzio carolinabuzio Gregor Martynus gr2m Jan Lehnardt janl Jan-Erik Rediger Julia Schmidt Katrin Apel kaalita Kevin Lorenz verpixelt Lena Reinard Lewis Cowper lewiscowper Ola Gasidlo zoepage Stephan Bonnemann boenneman Sven Lito svnlto Elmar Burke Ray Daly

varjmes commented 8 years ago

you left me (Charlotte Spencer) off :) And some of our other hoodies. The folks under "contributors" are, as far as I am aware, more or less considered part of our core team they just aren't necessarily around 24/7. Though I think lately I and @HipsterBrown seem to be :)

schisepo commented 8 years ago

Thanks @Charlotteis, will amend list to include everyone mentioned as a contributor. Are there any people on this list + contributors who have since left?

varjmes commented 8 years ago

The answer is "probbably" but I think Jan, Gregor etc. will have more info on who has left. For example I don't know if I've spoken to or seen half of the contributor people contribute whilst I've been around, but I'm unsure.

schisepo commented 8 years ago

@janl @gr2m when you get a moment, please parse the above list :point_up: for inactive/resigned Hoodie contributors who will not be featured in our series.

gr2m commented 8 years ago

We already had "meet the Hoodies" with @zoepage link and @svnlto link

Currently inactive are

On the other side, we added a ton of new people to the Hoodie Contributors and we really missed out to celebrate that :) Like all the great editorial people of course. On the code side we could reach out to @nathanstilwell, @nickcolley and probably more :)

One feedback on the questions: "What's your favorite use of Hoodie in the wild?" I think our editorial work is as important as our work on code, do you think the question is more code-centric though? Maybe it’s just me

Thanks so much everyone. I can’t say enough how much this excites me :)

janl commented 8 years ago

Heya, this all looks very fabulous. I don’t think we need to worry about coming up with a complete list right now before we continue with this. As we go along, and as everyone is more involved here, next candidates will show up organically. And if not, always feel free to reach out to me or @gr2m or @espy to suggest somebody.

varjmes commented 8 years ago

@janl are you wanting to close this, then?

janl commented 8 years ago

Mainly, it looked to me that the process might be stuck on not having a complete list of people to put into the series and all I wanted is unblock this :)

@Charlotteis if this isn’t needed for anything else, we should close it, yes,

varjmes commented 8 years ago

Right, then let's close it. :tada: