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Add methods of contacting people privately #18

Closed varjmes closed 8 years ago

varjmes commented 8 years ago

The Issue

Not everyone feels able to talk in the open about what they want to, or feel able to challenge things publicly.

The Solution

Add a paragraph to the README and/or CONTRIBUTING to show people who they can contact privately should they need to. Point out that you can privately DM on Slack, but also private email addresses if possible.

As the team is in its infancy, I think myself and Jan should be the points of contact.

When the issue is considered complete

It is clear in a document who can be contacted privately (and how) should the need arise.

varjmes commented 8 years ago

We've added a contact template, just waiting on some more stuff to happen before Jan and I can add ourselves to the template.

janl commented 8 years ago

other stuff: check

varjmes commented 8 years ago

Ace, thanks Jan. Will PR this up tomorrow.

jennwrites commented 8 years ago

Closing this since contacts were added. :+1: