As I mentioned on Slack:
I have what is probably a really simple suggestion, but one that might’ve been overlooked. I think the editorial readme should spell out that people should fork the repository then submit a pull request for any changes that have been made.
That might seem obvious to people who are used to git/github and used to contributing to OSS projects, but I’ve mostly only used github to manage my own projects, and sometimes I forget about forking/pull requests. :blush:
As I mentioned on Slack: I have what is probably a really simple suggestion, but one that might’ve been overlooked. I think the editorial readme should spell out that people should fork the repository then submit a pull request for any changes that have been made.
That might seem obvious to people who are used to git/github and used to contributing to OSS projects, but I’ve mostly only used github to manage my own projects, and sometimes I forget about forking/pull requests. :blush: