hoodiehq / editorial

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Post Proposal: starter issues #55

Closed gr2m closed 8 years ago

gr2m commented 8 years ago
> What is your blog post about? Describe it in about one paragraph.

On how we roll out the red carpet for new contributors at Hoodie. This episode: starter issue

> Approximately how long do you think the post will be?

~10 minute reading time

> Approximately how long do you think it will take you to write this post?

It took 1-2 hours. I’ve started the PR to the blog after discussing the idea in the `#editorial` channel on slack: https://github.com/hoodiehq/hood.ie/pull/227

> Do you think your post could make use of any illustrations or photographs?

Not needed

> Do you have any links to previous writing?


> Where else can we find you on the internet? (e.g. your blog, Tumblr, Medium, Twitter, etc.)

- https://twitter.com/gr2m/
- https://github.com/gr2m/

> Anything else you want to tell us?
