hoodiehq / editorial

:orange_book: The home of the Hoodie Editorial Team
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Creating a weekly editorial digest doc #82

Closed rubymorillo closed 6 years ago

rubymorillo commented 8 years ago

Hey team,

The Problem: Some of the issues in the Editorial repo have "in progress" tags while others don't; some issues have long convos in them which are hard to follow and don't make it clear who has claimed an issue and what the status of it was (ongoing, blocked, paused, etc). Additionally, it's not clear what will be in the pipeline over the coming weeks which would allow current and future contributors to be able to plan accordingly in case all current issues already have people working on them.

A possible solution: A weekly digest doc (one page) which we disseminate after the Wednesday editorial standup (or sometime on Wednesday) which list out the following:

The doc can then be added as a link in the #editorial channel's topic section to allow newer contributors to be brought up to speed on what's going on.


gr2m commented 8 years ago

Great initiative, thanks @rubymorillo

jennwrites commented 8 years ago

I'm late to chime in but I love this idea! My only concern is having someone who stays on top of this.