hoodiehq / hood.ie

:dog: Hoodie Website
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Add Edit button #230

Open gr2m opened 8 years ago

gr2m commented 8 years ago

As we use jekyll for http://hood.ie/, all pages can be directly edited on GitHub. For example, the content of http://hood.ie/community/ can be edited here: https://github.com/hoodiehq/hood.ie/edit/gh-pages/community/index.html (You need to be signed in)

To make it simpler for visitors to fix a typo and help with improving our site in general, we would like to add an edit button to every page, like on http://nobackend.org/ (bottom right of page)

Here is how the code looks like for the edit button: https://github.com/noBackend/nobackend.org/blob/gh-pages/_layouts/page.html#L57

We would love something similar on http://hood.ie/ :)

espy commented 8 years ago

That's totally on my list since I saw that Ember does it too (pencil icon on the right):

bildschirmfoto 2016-02-23 um 09 53 24

Good idea!

NickColley commented 8 years ago

We do something similar for PouchDB:




This way you can turn it on and off depending on the page using frontmatter.

bartw commented 8 years ago

I'd like to try to implement this.

But I'm having troubles getting the site working on my machine. The scss files won't compile and it seems that head.html contains a link to the css on hoodiehq instead of something variable.

Anybody got some pointers?

gr2m commented 8 years ago

@bartw thanks Bart!

what ruby version do you have installed (ruby -v)? You might need to update to the latest. Then you need to install jekyll and 2 plugins

gem install jekyll jekyll-redirect-from jekyll-paginate

and then, in theory, you should be able to do jekyll serve --watch. If you get any errors, can you post them here?

dristibutola commented 7 years ago

Hi !! I would like to work on this issue.Secondly for edit button do , i need to create it for just the main page hoodie.ie or for its other dependent pages as well. Thanks

gr2m commented 7 years ago

I think you could add the edit button to the header*.html files here: https://github.com/hoodiehq/hood.ie/tree/gh-pages/_includes

Note that the setup is currently quite complicated with CSS being served from another place. We hope to clean this all up soon via #312. But feel free to give it a try :)