hooke007 / MPV_lazy

🔄 mpv player 播放器折腾记录 windows conf ; 中文注释配置 快速帮助入门 ; mpv-lazy 懒人包 win10 x64 config
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The state of multi-language support #303

Closed hooke007 closed 1 year ago

hooke007 commented 1 year ago

TL;DR Only uosc's UI. No PR would be received. Any English posts could be commited here. https://github.com/hooke007/MPV_lazy/discussions/categories/z_eng_discuss

As the description of mpv's wiki page, It's just a localization project. Any language related requests will not be considered. I might only answer the simple question about the usage problems. Because I have created plenty of corresponding documentation (Of course it is written in chinese only. Try Google translating :-) )

Only the dummy-UI script (fonts are necessary) would support using your own language.

To quickily switch to English, you can download the uosc_lang.conf into your script-opts dir. Edit this file if you want to use another language.

If you were using mpv-lazy (starter package of mpv), you have to edit the input_uosc.conf.

Update History

(For various reasons, the names of some options may be changed.) 🚀 The latest stable version