Closed jordanrinke closed 10 years ago
Just tested this, pumped a bunch of data out transmit only. You can see the DERIVE number shoots up, and RX goes up a little (from acks etc) so this is definitely not naming this right.
2014/07/31 17:55:03 [TRACE] got a packet: {somebox interface eth1 if_octets 1510596498166302698 10737418240 [2 2] [0 0 0 0 104 244 217 221 0 0 0 1 28 245 116 66]}
2014/07/31 17:55:03 [TRACE] ready to send series: &{vpbx086142_itelnetworks_com.interface-eth1.if_octets-rx [time value] [[1406852619877 225398.6]]}
2014/07/31 17:55:03 [TRACE] ready to send series: &{vpbx086142_itelnetworks_com.interface-eth1.if_octets-DERIVE [time value] [[1406852619877 4.30032469e+07]]}
Just saw the commit to fix this after debugging it hah.
Thanks anyway :-)
All of the interface related plugins/parsing seem to only be returning RX values. In debug I see 2 values come across but only one series is written... It looks like maybe instead of reporting RX, and TX it is reporting RX and then the type as the name instead of RX