hoopsurfer / pidesktop

Collected files, drivers and documentation for the pidesktop case
MIT License
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Bullseye Update Needed #33

Open K2IE opened 2 years ago

K2IE commented 2 years ago

An update to python3 that would work on Bullseye is much needed.

I tried installing python2 on Bullseye to get this to work but ran into some issues getting rpi.gpio to build. This in on an aarch64 Raspberry Pi OS install.

AlastorPilkine commented 2 years ago

Same thing ! Please, an update is needed !

It seems to work after I modify the "/usr/share/pidesktop/python/pd-fixrtc.py" file.

This file is for python2, the "print" command and the "count" method on string, don't work the same way.

After modifying the file, I run "sudo dpkg --configure pidesktop-base" and all seems to be fine.

pd-check show the following status "install ok installed"

Before the modifications, it was "installed ok half-configured"

AlastorPilkine commented 2 years ago

The script I modified, don't work well. The existing value of dtoverlay in "/boot/config.txt" is flush ! It's good to know, in ordrer to have the pi camera working !