hoopsurfer / pidesktop

Collected files, drivers and documentation for the pidesktop case
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30 second reboot timer fix using dtoverlay? #6

Closed hoopsurfer closed 6 years ago

hoopsurfer commented 6 years ago

TODO: This can simplify the code required for services and eliminate some

Currently reboot depends on a 30 second reboot timer, if the system takes longer to get to the powerkey service routine it will power down in the middle of booting. How can this be reset before the OS boots?


add to pd-check: dmesg --notime | grep firmware

which should show date 2018-04-09 or later which fixed gpio support (earlier dates like 2018-03-23 does not work)

add to /boot/config.txt use:

configure GPIO for pidesktop with GPIO6 driven low to indicate OS is booting (support reboot)

gpio=6=op,pn,dl gpio=13=ip

Background Info:0

"GPIO numbering uses the hardware pin numbering scheme (aka BCM scheme) and not the physical pin numbers." Definitive guidance on pin numbers is at: https://github.com/raspberrypi/firmware/tree/master/boot/overlays

see: https://www.raspberrypi.org/forums/viewtopic.php?f=117&t=208748

hoopsurfer commented 6 years ago

Fixed using new gpio= kernel support providing dramatic improvement in reboot response - no more poweroff during reboot problems should be the result.