hoothin / SearchJumper

Yet another awesome web extension for switching search engines, search everything (selection text / image / link / find in page) on any engine with a simple right click or a variety of menus and shortcuts. Build with React & Material-UI. (WIP).
GNU General Public License v3.0
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寻找功能 #128

Open HONE13 opened 2 months ago

HONE13 commented 2 months ago

你好,大佬 请问一下,有无像 网页高亮关键字 https://greasyfork.org/zh-CN/scripts/465200-%E7%BD%91%E9%A1%B5%E9%AB%98%E4%BA%AE%E5%85%B3%E9%94%AE%E5%AD%97 小鱼标签 (UTags) - 为链接添加用户标签 https://greasyfork.org/zh-CN/scripts/460718-utags-add-usertags-to-links 希望能够给词汇高亮并添加备注(别名/标签),或者悬浮备注(别名/标签)

hoothin commented 2 months ago

image 这样吗?

hoothin commented 2 months ago

这是链接注释。 image

HONE13 commented 2 months ago

感谢大佬的回复,能不能像网页高亮关键字那样, 第一栏为网页 第二栏为注释 第三栏为关键字 网页高亮关键字缺点是空格隔开,变成单词

hoothin commented 2 months ago


HONE13 commented 2 months ago

[有没有这样的浏览器插件——自动给自定义列表中的词汇加悬浮触发的备注?] https://meta.appinn.net/t/topic/34564/14 找到大佬以前写的代码,我看了一下,差不多,就是没有网页限定以及多个关键词同一个注释 不是”text = "c|AA,BB:收藏“ 而是text = "c|AA:收藏 |BB:收藏“

hoothin commented 2 months ago

有的,在设置页,如下 image 预置分组就是多个关键词打包,然后在规则里调用分组名

hoothin commented 2 months ago

当你点击保存按钮的时候,会自动生成规则,此时你再微调就行了。其中网址可以用通配符,*代表多个字符,?代表一个字符 image 你希望的话,也可以通过搜索词样式来美化高亮样式。

HONE13 commented 2 months ago
"https://github.com/*": {
    "words": [

是这样吗?谢谢,希望是关键词,{你好}是注释 多个关键词同个注释

hoothin commented 2 months ago

首先添加预置分组,添加完之后形如"@groupName": "jack|rose|谢谢|你好" 然后把关键词改为

    "words": [
HONE13 commented 2 months ago

"https://github.com/*": { "words": [ "@groupName":谢谢|希望$t{你好}" ] 长这样的吗?

hoothin commented 2 months ago

不,你得先点击下面的添加预置分组按钮,添加分组内容。 然后把 谢谢,希望 替换为分组名 image

HONE13 commented 2 months ago

屏幕截图_29-5-2024_8558_search hoothin com

HONE13 commented 2 months ago


hoothin commented 2 months ago

@github": "/关键词|注释/"这样。 内容其实是个正则

HONE13 commented 2 months ago

屏幕截图_29-5-2024_85827_search hoothin com 这把好了

HONE13 commented 2 months ago

多个关键词同个注释弄好了 那网址这一行怎么弄两个 https://sleazyfork.org/和https://greasyfork.org/

HONE13 commented 2 months ago

{ "[https://sleazyfork.org/*,https://greasyfork.org/*": { "words": [ "@github$t{你好}" ] },


hoothin commented 2 months ago


hoothin commented 2 months ago


HONE13 commented 2 months ago

哦,十分感谢 已经没问题了

HONE13 commented 2 months ago

大佬请问一下,关键词里面有空格也有_ 例:app_la和app la 怎么弄

HONE13 commented 2 months ago


hoothin commented 2 months ago

也是用正则,/app.la/ 或者 /app[ _]la/

HONE13 commented 2 months ago


hoothin commented 2 months ago


HONE13 commented 2 months ago


HONE13 commented 2 months ago
     "words": [

"@irri": "/nemu\b|nemui neru\b/ 为什么设置成这样就不高光了

HONE13 commented 2 months ago


hoothin commented 2 months ago

因为你在json里直接写的话,\要替换为\\。在配置页的json里得这样写: "@irri": "/nemu\\b|nemui neru\\b/"

HONE13 commented 2 months ago

原来如此,十分感谢你的回复 我就不关闭议题了,有问题可以问你 话说不弄什么教程吗?谢谢

hoothin commented 2 months ago


HONE13 commented 2 months ago

话说如果有一个词是nemu| koko(本身是一个词,会发生被|隔开的情况吗?

hoothin commented 2 months ago

可以用转义符nemu\\| koko

HONE13 commented 2 months ago

ExResurrect https://sleazyfork.org/zh-CN/scripts/411277-exresurrect 大佬你看看能不能添加到该脚本,感觉挺厉害的

HONE13 commented 2 months ago

"@irri": "/nemu\b/" 有一个问题,网站里面有memu和memu memu和memu memu R 我只高光memu,但是也把memu memu和memu memu R高光了(没有添加到规则里,显示的是memu(高光) memu(高光)和memu(高光) memu(高光) R,每个memu都是分别高光的

HONE13 commented 2 months ago


hoothin commented 2 months ago

用零宽断言就行了 (?<! )\\bmemu\\b(?! )

HONE13 commented 2 months ago


HONE13 commented 2 months ago

用零宽断言就行了 (?<! )\\bmemu\\b(?! ) 我高光K和Ten,然后K-Ten被分别高光K和Ten 怎么才能避免被高光

hoothin commented 2 months ago

也是用零宽断言,但具体情况得具体分析,例如如果单词前后都有空格的话,那么可以用正预测断言。你可以系统学习一下正则,或者问 AI

HONE13 commented 2 months ago


HONE13 commented 2 months ago

请问一下,我试着生效范围弄了,然后生效范围只能在一个网站设置吗?那网址这一行弄两个,共用一个关键字库 怎么在两个网站分别设置两个生效范围,比如在A站设置范围,B站设置范围,两个网址里有相同的关键字,那能在两个范围内高亮吗

hoothin commented 2 months ago

分开两条规则就行了,或者如果你能确保范围的选择器不重合,那么也可以在 words 数组里添加一条不同范围的

HONE13 commented 2 months ago

怎么写,这两个范围都是在不同网站弄得 $in{#artistname} $in{#favform > table.itg.glte}

hoothin commented 2 months ago


    "/https://sleazyfork.org/|https://greasyfork.org//": {
        "words": [


    "https://sleazyfork.org": {
        "words": [
    "https://greasyfork.org/": {
        "words": [
HONE13 commented 2 months ago
"https://sleazyfork.org": {
    "words": [
"https://greasyfork.org/": {
    "words": [
        "@github$t{你好}$in{#favform > table.itg.glte}"
"@github": "//"

} 是这样的吗?

hoothin commented 2 months ago
