hoothin / UserScripts

Greasemonkey scripts ( Pagetual / Picviewer CE+ / DownloadAllContent ) 油猴脚本集 ユーザースクリプト集 пользовательских скриптов
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Why Pagetual change google search result text color in dark mode? #649

Open trnkobayashi opened 5 days ago

trnkobayashi commented 5 days ago

Pagetual change google search result text color

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Search for sth in google dark mode
  2. See error

Expected behavior A brighter color


Desktop (please complete the following information):


hoothin commented 5 days ago

I haven't added any functionality to change the keyword color for Pagetual. It's possible that one of the extensions on your Firefox is causing this behavior.

hoothin commented 5 days ago

Try this rule on firefox

    "name": "Google Search",
    "nextLink": [
        "id('pnnext')|id('navbar navcnt nav')//td[span]/following-sibling::td[1]/a|id('nn')/parent::a",
        "id('pnprev')|id('navbar navcnt nav')//td[span]/following-sibling::td[1]/a|id('nn')/parent::a"
    "pageElement": "id('rso')|id('center_col')/style[contains(.,'relative')][id('rso')]|id('search')/div/div/style[1]",
    "action": 2,
    "pageNum": "&start={10*($p-1)}",
    "pageBarTop": 55,
    "url": "^https?://[^./]+\\.google(?:\\.[^./]{2,3}){1,2}/(?:c(?:se|ustom)|search|webhp|m|#)",
    "replaceElement": "[role='navigation']>[role='presentation']",
    "css": "ol>li{display: inline-flex;}inIframe:#searchform{display:none;}"