hootlex / laravel-friendships

This package gives Eloquent models the ability to manage their friendships.
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How to handle User when model extends Authenticatable instead of Model #105

Closed jake5253 closed 6 years ago

jake5253 commented 6 years ago

As per the title, my Users model extends Authenticatable not Model.

I got $user->befriend($id) and $user->getPendingFriendship() to work by calling $user = \Auth::user(); but the same does not work for $user->acceptFriendRequest(): Type error: Argument 1 passed to App\User::acceptFriendRequest() must be an instance of Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model, string given, called in /home/vagrant/code/neighbor/app/Http/Controllers/FriendController.php on line 29

I assume this is because of my model extending the wrong thing, but I dont think I can change it to extend Model without rewriting a large portion of my app? Can I just change my model to extend Model and then implement all the auth?

UPDATE: I guess I figured that original problem out. I was passing just the user ID and not the model. Changed code as follows. Now I get Method Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Collection::acceptFriendRequest does not exist.

    public function acceptRequest($id)
        $user = User::find(auth()->user());
        $requestee = User::find($id)->first();
        return $user->acceptFriendRequest($requestee);

UPDATE AGAIN: Got it! needed to set $user (above) as \Auth::user()

Thank you.

agamyrat301 commented 5 years ago

that was what I was looking for