Closed traveller1011 closed 1 year ago
personally I use PositionClose and close a pos. completely regardless how many trades it took to build the pos.
regarding your JSON response above: if a trade has the state OPEN that also says that it can be closed.
Using TradeClose() with the trade id, you should be able to close a specific trade.
There is also: positions.PositionDetails(accountID=accountID, instrument)
it gives the tradeids involved regarding a position. In this example 1. But in your case you should see 144, 146, 148
"position": {
"short": {
"unrealizedPL": "-0.0738",
"tradeIDs": [
"2323" <---------------------------
"resettablePL": "0.0000",
"units": "-100",
"averagePrice": "1.09843",
"pl": "0.0000"
"unrealizedPL": "-0.0738",
"long": {
"units": "0",
"resettablePL": "-44.6272",
"unrealizedPL": "0.0000",
"pl": "-44.6272"
"instrument": "EUR_USD",
"resettablePL": "-44.6272",
"pl": "-44.6272"
"lastTransactionID": "2327"
Do you know any tricks to test which trade is "allowed" to be closed per US FIFO law? Or stated differently, given a list of trades, can we determine which ones are NOT eligible to be closed?
I understand I could query for the lowest trade_id among such a group, and that should, by definition, work. But I thought maybe you might know a better way.
This is all the info I see when I query for a trade... nothing lends itself to "can be closed", or im just blind