hootsuite / akka-persistence-redis

Akka Persistence that uses Redis as backend
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Does this plugin support Clustered Redis in Amazon ElastiCache? #35

Open sky-wang opened 7 years ago

sky-wang commented 7 years ago

I use default config and connect to redis cluster successfully, but it reports following error:

Persistence failure when replaying events for persistenceId [presence]. Last known sequence number [0]

redis.actors.ReplyErrorException: MOVED 12114

Any idea how to configure properly for connecting to ElastiCache?

ssong-van commented 7 years ago

ElastiCache provides configuration endpoint that is a CNAME to actual nodes. We use Rediscala to connect to Redis on ElastiCache and had to resort to a load balancer like Twemproxy and McRouter to avoid DNS caching. Looks like the issue is reported here as well - https://github.com/etaty/rediscala/issues/174

Is this your setup or are you connecting to primary nodes directly? Rediscala provides RedisClientPool that accepts a list of hosts - https://github.com/etaty/rediscala#pool and it's not supported in this plugin.