hoplik / Firehose-Finder

Однокнопочная программа с GUI для подбора программера (firehose) к определённым моделям телефонов на базе процессоров Qualcomm.
MIT License
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Reference table of all loaders #36

Closed RenateUSB closed 5 months ago

RenateUSB commented 5 months ago

Here is a reference table of Firehose loaders available on two sites. You can search by PK hash or file MD5 to locate a loader. This table is copyright, but feel free to link it in README.md if you like. http://www.temblast.com/ref/loaders.htm It should be updated regularly.

hoplik commented 5 months ago

Thank you for your work. Added to the readme.

Just in case, the latest (up-to-date) version of identifiers (https://github.com/hoplik/Firehose-Finder/blob/master/ForFilter.xml) and links to programmers (https://github.com/hoplik/Firehose-Finder/blob/master/ForFound.xml) are located in the FhF program files in xml format for ease of further processing.