hoplik / Firehose-Finder

Однокнопочная программа с GUI для подбора программера (firehose) к определённым моделям телефонов на базе процессоров Qualcomm.
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About Translation into Chinese (Simplified) language issue #38

Open 8MiYile opened 2 months ago

8MiYile commented 2 months ago

i want thanslate this app but i'm not developer so i don't know how to set this app to i18n

hoplik commented 2 months ago

Oh, that's great. You don't need to be a developer for localization. I will fix everything necessary in the code myself. I will provide a link to your profile with a thank you for the transfer in the "About the program" section. You just need to translate all the text lines into the required language. The algorithm for this is as follows.

  1. Open a new issue named "Translation into xxx language".
  2. There you send a screenshot of the form in language 1 and the text of the translation into language 2, indicating which button or other element this translation refers to. And so it is for each form window. I will make these changes at the next update (usually once a month).
  3. It's even easier with text dialogs. There is a resource file (Resources.en.resx) in the Properties folder. https://github.com/hoplik/Firehose-Finder/blob/master/Properties/Resources.en.resx In it, starting from line 120, there is a translation of text values. The value of "name" is followed by the English text "value" and the Russian text "comment". You need to download this file and in any editor convenient for you, locally, on your computer, replace the "value" data with a translation into the selected language and attach this edited version to the message in the issue you have opened (item 1). I'll transfer all this to the distribution later.
hoplik commented 2 months ago
  1. In conclusion, when the forms from item 2 are corrected, it will be possible to translate the help. The translation of the forms is needed to make screenshots for the help. Select a help in the desired language from the Resources folder https://github.com/hoplik/Firehose-Finder/tree/master/Resources and I will hang this help in the .doc format, so that it is convenient to translate and edit images. Then I will save the translated help in the .pdf format and I will put a link for the appropriate language.
8MiYile commented 2 months ago

I added Resources.zh_CN.resx using Pull Request form and I'm using Deepin Linux So I can't do the following conditions

There you send a screenshot of the form in language 1 and the text of the translation into language 2, indicating which button or other element this translation refers to. And so it is for each form window. I will make these changes at the next update (usually once a month).

hoplik commented 2 months ago

Great job. The dialogs are already displayed in Chinese. Now we also need to translate the text on the forms https://github.com/hoplik/Firehose-Finder/tree/master/Forms It is better to take the formname.en.resx, because there are only those text strings that need to be translated. Extension for the final forms .zh-Hans.resx. Like this: https://github.com/hoplik/Firehose-Finder/blob/master/Forms/AboutBox1.zh-Hans.resx

hoplik commented 2 months ago

Excellent. I added everything to the project. The hardest thing left is the main form - Form1. https://github.com/hoplik/Firehose-Finder/blob/master/Forms/Form1.zh-Hans.resx The text fields needed for translation can be taken from the en.form https://github.com/hoplik/Firehose-Finder/blob/master/Forms/Form1.en.resx After translating Form1, I will post the project release here so that you can check the correctness of the translation on all forms of the application on a desktop computer. You also need to check that the automatic selection of Chinese language, which is taken from the system settings, works correctly. Then you can switch to forced language selection if the system language does not need to match the application language. And sweet things: Greeting and Help. https://github.com/hoplik/Firehose-Finder/blob/master/Resources/Greeting_en.txt https://github.com/hoplik/Firehose-Finder/blob/master/Resources/help_en.pdf It is advisable to add images from the translated forms to the help. I will hang a file in .doc format here, so that you can easily edit it. help_en.docx