Closed thedavidmeister closed 7 years ago
here's the whole thing, with passing tests:
(ns route.history
(:require goog.History
[javelin.core :as j]
[cljs.test :refer-macros [deftest is]])
(:import [goog History]))
(defn history-cell
(let [c (j/cell nil)
history (History.)]
(j/with-let [_ (j/cell= c #(.setToken history %))]
( history goog.History/EventType.NAVIGATE
(fn [e]
(reset! c (.-token e))))
(.setEnabled history true))))
(deftest ??history-cell
(let [c (history-cell)
current-hash #(-> js/window .-location .-hash)]
; Is c correctly initialized to some hash?
(is (not (nil? @c)))
(is (string? @c))
; Can we set c by modifying the window hash directly?
(-> js/window .-location .-hash (set! "foo"))
(= "foo" @c (current-hash))
; Can we set c and the window hash by resetting c?
(reset! c "bar")
(= "bar" @c (current-hash))))
Nice work!
@thedavidmeister can we get a PR for this in hoplon/brew?
@flyboarder soz, i didn't put this against hoplon/brew but i have put it somewhere slightly more useful than a codeblock here (running tests, etc.)
I added this to hoplon/brew as well.
We have route cells but it simply responds to the hash change event.
I found that this wasn't really working in phantomjs and google closure has a history class with lots of x-browser handling around navigation.
I made a history cell that is based on google closure and it works much better for me:
It's almost a drop in replacement for
except that it expects you to reset the cell in order to navigate, rather than mess around with the window hash directly.e.g.
route cell:
vs. history-cell: