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Typo in Readme.md #31

Open Parth123Ahuja opened 1 month ago

Parth123Ahuja commented 1 month ago

The readme.md file contains :-


But in package.json we have

"scripts": { "dev": "histoire dev --port 6006", "watch": "vite build --watch", "build": "vite build && npm run build:css", "build:css": "sass src/assets/scss/themes.scss dist/themes.css --no-source-map", "story:build": "histoire build", "story:preview": "histoire preview", "prepublish": "pnpm run build" },

The readme or either the pacakge.json scripts should be corrected .

Parth123Ahuja commented 1 month ago

I want to raise a pull request for this small issue , what should be corrected should I make changes in the scripts or should I change the readme.md file