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Build an application using HOPR #157

Closed nionis closed 1 year ago

nionis commented 2 years ago

Challenge Description

Build an application/website which uses HOPR for relaying sensitive data. Bonus points if the application/website is deployed and a URL is provided. Multiple people may work on this bounty, individually receiving $800 and a winner will be selected who will receive $2500.

  1. Apply to work on this bounty via gitcoin with a description of what you would like to build.
  2. A moderator will respond with an approval of your idea in the comments.
  3. Once you have completed your work, you will get $800 in HOPR tokens.
  4. On 26/08/2022, the HOPR team will select ONE of their favourite submission which will be rewarded with $2500 in HOPR tokens.

Submission Requirements

Submissions will be judged by the HOPR team.

Developing HOPR

What is HOPR?

Find out more about HOPR at the following links:

This contest is part of The Bounty Program

gitcoinbot commented 2 years ago

Issue Status: 1. Open 2. Started 3. Submitted 4. Done

This issue now has a funding of 23256.929 HOPR attached to it as part of the hoprnet fund.

ManyRios commented 2 years ago

Only 1 working in this?

nionis commented 2 years ago

@ManyRios multiple people may work on this and receive $800, but one gets the prize of $2500

tnkerer commented 2 years ago

Hi @nionis! I tried to apply for this bounty on GitCoin but I keep getting this error saying that somebody is already working on it. I will leave the description of my dApp here meanwhile. 😁

The idea:

Chatr is a private messaging web extension that uses HOPR mixnet and can also transfer HOPR tokens to chat participants. The idea is to have a channel to talk to other network participants and send HOPR using HOPR API v2 in a minimalist interface. New notifications are visible through non-intrusive notification counters, so the user doesn't miss anything.


An UI mockup is already available on Figma:


0xVaibhav11 commented 2 years ago

I am unable to apply on gitcoin because the project type is Traditional. NP

Here's my Project: https://github.com/vanoob404/hopr-fsdapp My Gitcoin profile: https://gitcoin.co/vanoob404

nionis commented 2 years ago

@menezesphill you may start working on your dapp :)

nionis commented 2 years ago

hey @vanoob404, although you haven't requested to work on the dapp as the description states, your work was part of our previous contest which makes it okay. We will check the submission next week.

ManyRios commented 1 year ago

To submit our work. We need to paste a link of the repo right here in this issue?

nionis commented 1 year ago

hey @ManyRios, you need to first get an approval for the dapp you have build, if you have already built it (because u worked on the previous contest), then simply share the link here and the team will approve it and send you 800$

ManyRios commented 1 year ago

Yes, I worked in the previous contest. But im finishing that one

lyledavids commented 1 year ago

Is deadline to submit a project on the 26August?

nionis commented 1 year ago

@lyledavids yes, however, the sooner the better as we want to feature our current dApps very soon

nionis commented 1 year ago

hey @lyledavids and @ManyRios - do you have an estimation of when your submissions will be available? Would be amazing to have them in this week.

ManyRios commented 1 year ago

hey @lyledavids and @ManyRios - do you have an estimation of when your submissions will be available? Would be amazing to have them in this week.

Hope to have it this week or monday.

lyledavids commented 1 year ago

hey @lyledavids and @ManyRios - do you have an estimation of when your submissions will be available? Would be amazing to have them in this week.

I will submit next week

rast000 commented 1 year ago

HOPR Chess

Play chess using HOPR completely p2p https://github.com/vividwood/hopr-chess

nionis commented 1 year ago

hey @vividwood, can you DM me your ethereum address through discord?

benya7 commented 1 year ago

Hello @nionis , I want to participate in this contest.

Description: The idea of ​​my application is to create a game without graphics. Called Gawibawibo, it is the classic game as it is known in Korea. Gawi, Bawi, Bo. Or in the West, also known as Rock, Paper, Scissors but with decentralized thinking.

The idea is that each user can create his "move" that contains a combination of 3 possible options. For example: [gawi, gawi, bawi] . Along with this combination, the user will have to send the bet amount for this movement in HOPR tokens or in the native token of the network. A smart contract receives the player's "move", registers it and stores the amount of the token in the contract.

From the perspective of new players, they can create new moves in the same way as the first player. Or call to play with an Id of an existing "move", to play a "move" that already exists, the player calling play must send the prize amount, equal to the original amount of tokens from the creator of the "move".

The smart contract analyzes the hashes of both players and determines the winner, transferring the total number of tokens to him.

Note: I already have a minimal prototype working in polygon, the idea is to transform it using HOPR and that it meets the standards of a HOPR Dapp. I'll deliver it this week.

gitcoinbot commented 1 year ago

Issue Status: 1. Open 2. Started 3. Submitted 4. Done

Work has been started.

These users each claimed they can complete the work by 264 years, 2 months from now. Please review their action plans below:

1) magded has applied to start work _(Funders only: approve worker | reject worker)_.

I will develop a website using Angular for hospitals to share patients data from hospital-to-hospital. This will be a modern website that will allow users to upload data and read incoming data, bound by their web3 wallet. I will deploy it on AWS using CloudFront and S3. 2) velkn has applied to start work _(Funders only: approve worker | reject worker)_.

La idea es crear una pagina web de super líderes Basada en el apoyo y al mismo tiempo en nuevos aprendizajes brindando nuestros propios conocimientos, Y destrezas logrando el objetivo de avance y crecimiento de otros líderes esto se crea pensando en que aveces queremos ser escuchados y de igualmanera servir a la sociedad se realiza la acción de ganar ganar...¿qué quiero decir con esto? "ayúdame a ayudarte" todos tenemos algo que preguntar, que aprender y que enseñar, un ejemplo material de apoyo escolar, algunos los suben otros los buscan y asi ahí diversidad de ideas, la contribución o aportación y donación de activos sera cuestión propia, igualmente compartir en redes el URL para ser una red creciente. 3) unicumsam has applied to start work _(Funders only: approve worker | reject worker)_.

For combat the place pour in this mode is perfect whit any attencion and control or way make unader sistem pagament tanks for interessing and chance 4) vanoob404 has applied to start work _(Funders only: approve worker | reject worker)_.

I built a file-sharing dApp. Using HOPR's restful API 5) travisscode has applied to start work _(Funders only: approve worker | reject worker)_.

I will start all nodes available for this dapps 6) manyrios has applied to start work _(Funders only: approve worker | reject worker)_.

I already applied to bounty before this one, and already submit my work. 7) webbdays has applied to start work _(Funders only: approve worker | reject worker)_.

I have no good knowledge of HOPR right now. But, I will learn how to build applications(which uses HOPR ). I have experience of programming in Python, can use Flask framework. I will learn the necessary concepts and can present POC (proof of concept) for this project. Thank you. Waiting for your reply. 8) shreyan001 has applied to start work _(Funders only: approve worker | reject worker)_.

I will be building a prediction market dapp on Hopr, where people can earn money by predicting real-world events powered by a decentralized information market. With the enhanced privacy by hopr, users can participate freely and make transactions.

With hopr clusters, users can privately create and add restricted markets to transact with limited participants.

We will initially create a full-stack dApp utilizing the hopr REST API. With an interface where market events can be curated/added by admins/users at the panel, and a design UI where users can predict the outcome on the website. Implement similar hopr play ground architecture.

People can buy Native tokens on dapp, start voting their predictions on various market events and earn their respective shares based on the outcomes of market after a fixed amount of time. 9) menezesphill has been approved to start work.

The idea:

Chatr is a private messaging web extension that uses HOPR mixnet and can also transfer HOPR tokens to chat participants. The idea is to have a channel to talk to other network participants and send HOPR using HOPR API v2 in a minimalist interface. New notifications are visible through non-intrusive notification counters, so the user doesn't miss anything.


An UI mockup is already available on Figma:


Learn more on the Gitcoin Issue Details page.

thewanderingeditor commented 1 year ago

Hi @en0c-026! Thanks for your application. @nionis is on holiday at the moment, so I'll be taking over some of his bounty admin role.

Your dApp idea sounds great. Just a few questions / comments:

thewanderingeditor commented 1 year ago

Hi @magded,

Your dApp idea sounds very interesting. Support for private medical data is one of the main use cases we're focusing on outside of crypto. It would be great to get some more information about the kind of data you're imagining sharing, and how the wallet interaction would work.

Magded commented 1 year ago

Hi @Magded,

Your dApp idea sounds very interesting. Support for private medical data is one of the main use cases we're focusing on outside of crypto. It would be great to get some more information about the kind of data you're imagining sharing, and how the wallet interaction would work.

Hey @thewanderingeditor, so my plan is to make it, so hospitals can use whichever format they would like when sharing files, so it is flexible enough to support many use cases, this may include PDF files, XLSX files, CSV, etc. To make it easier for the user, the file would be encrypted on the client, uploaded to a web2 server, a presigned url and a decryption key would be sent through HOPR, so other hospitals can access the data ASAP securely. I am intending on using wallets as authentication, but I would need to get more familiarized with hopper to see how far I can go with this feature.

rast000 commented 1 year ago

Hi @thewanderingeditor can I dm you on discord?

thewanderingeditor commented 1 year ago

@vividwood Sure, go ahead!

rast000 commented 1 year ago

@vividwood Sure, go ahead!

can you give me your discord nickname? I cant find you in hopr discord. Or DM me vividwood#1810

thewanderingeditor commented 1 year ago

Hi again @lyledavids and @ManyRios. Any update on your submissions? We have a new dApp showcase launching very soon and it would be amazing to have yours included.

lyledavids commented 1 year ago

Hi again @lyledavids and @ManyRios. Any update on your submissions? We have a new dApp showcase launching very soon and it would be amazing to have yours included.

Still in development, will keep you updated

ManyRios commented 1 year ago

Hi again @lyledavids and @ManyRios. Any update on your submissions? We have a new dApp showcase launching very soon and it would be amazing to have yours included.

Yep... I hope to submit it today guys.

Magded commented 1 year ago

Hey @thewanderingeditor, started working already, but dunno if my project is elegible, can you clarify please?

ManyRios commented 1 year ago

Almkst done guys. I'm fixing a couple of things

0xVaibhav11 commented 1 year ago

@nionis I applied on HOPR's gitcoin issues. plz approve it

0xVaibhav11 commented 1 year ago


It's Share<3

This is not a new submission it's a UI-improved version of the old one 😎 & now follows all HOPR dApp standards

dApp: https://share3.vanoob.dev My Submission: https://github.com/vanoob404/hopr-fsdapp My Gitcoin profile: https://gitcoin.co/vanoob404

devberkay commented 1 year ago

Hello @nionis , @thewanderingeditor , i want to participate in this contest,

my idea is to make a cross-platform decentralized mobile application where everyone can create & join polls (e.g. similar to https://www.poll-maker.com/ ) and also stay %100 secure and anonymous(both for the owner of the question and the participants).This would be beneficial for data collectors(they get their data) and participants(i am thinking of a system where the app rewards the participants with hopr) who are abstainer because the question may include sensitive data (e.g question may collect device data, political ideas, fantesies and also other extremer topics) .Hereby, people will be able to feel %100 free to expose their ideas(even the extreme ones) on any topic in any format without hesitating.

the app will provide every single functionality to create forms similar to what "google forms" provide, the app will provide a statistical analysis via charts for every poll. the app will provide high quality UI & UX experience especially on statistical analysis.

The app will be done from stratch by me and it will be developed as fullstack.

I need your immediate answer to make this ready until 26 August. I am so excited for the project !

thewanderingeditor commented 1 year ago

Hi @velkn! Thanks for your submission, but I'm afraid we can only process applications in English at this time. (I tried to use a translation tool to get an impression of your idea, but unfortunately it wasn't good enough to produce something clear.)

If you're not able to apply in English yourself, I'd suggest reaching out in our Telegram group, where I'm sure someone can help

thewanderingeditor commented 1 year ago

Hi @Magded, Your dApp idea sounds very interesting. Support for private medical data is one of the main use cases we're focusing on outside of crypto. It would be great to get some more information about the kind of data you're imagining sharing, and how the wallet interaction would work.

Hey @thewanderingeditor, so my plan is to make it, so hospitals can use whichever format they would like when sharing files, so it is flexible enough to support many use cases, this may include PDF files, XLSX files, CSV, etc. To make it easier for the user, the file would be encrypted on the client, uploaded to a web2 server, a presigned url and a decryption key would be sent through HOPR, so other hospitals can access the data ASAP securely. I am intending on using wallets as authentication, but I would need to get more familiarized with hopper to see how far I can go with this feature.

Thanks for the update! This sounds really interesting. Please proceed with your prototype and keep us updated with your progress. (Because of how the contest is set up on gitcoin, you won't get any confirmation beyond this message.)

If you have questions about the wallet question, don't hesitate to reach out on our Discord or forum

thewanderingeditor commented 1 year ago

@nionis I applied on HOPR's gitcoin issues. plz approve it

Hi @vanoob404. @nionis is on holiday this week (Actually I am too, but I'm more reachable 😄)

Thanks for your submission! It looks awesome. Because of how the contest is set up on gitcoin, we won't be approving work there until we accept the winner, but please treat this message as confirmation of your submission. We'll test it internally soon and get back to you.

thewanderingeditor commented 1 year ago

Hello @nionis , @thewanderingeditor , i want to participate in this contest,

my idea is to make a cross-platform decentralized mobile application where everyone can create & join polls (e.g. similar to https://www.poll-maker.com/ ) and also stay %100 secure and anonymous(both for the owner of the question and the participants).This would be beneficial for data collectors(they get their data) and participants(i am thinking of a system where the app rewards the participants with hopr) who are abstainer because the question may include sensitive data (e.g question may collect device data, political ideas, fantesies and also other extremer topics) .Hereby, people will be able to feel %100 free to expose their ideas(even the extreme ones) on any topic in any format without hesitating.

the app will provide every single functionality to create forms similar to what "google forms" provide, the app will provide a statistical analysis via charts for every poll. the app will provide high quality UI & UX experience especially on statistical analysis.

The app will be done from stratch by me and it will be developed as fullstack.

I need your immediate answer to make this ready until 26 August. I am so excited for the project !

Hi @devberkay. This sounds like a great idea! Please proceed with building the dapp, and don't hesitate to reach out on Discord or our forum if you have questions.

0xVaibhav11 commented 1 year ago

@thewanderingeditor okay

gitcoinbot commented 1 year ago

⚡️ A tip worth 9627.00000 HOPR (795.18 USD @ $0.08/HOPR) has been granted to @vividwood for this issue from @thewanderingeditor. ⚡️

The sender had the following public comments:

Thanks for the amazing work on the HOPR chess dApp!

Nice work @vividwood! To redeem your tip, login to Gitcoin at https://gitcoin.co/explorer and select 'Claim Tip' from dropdown menu in the top right, or check your email for a link to the tip redemption page.

thewanderingeditor commented 1 year ago

Hi @vanoob404. I took a look at your dApp via playground but wasn't able to quite make it work following the video tutorial. Setup was smooth, and the file did appear when I sent to my own node, but sending to a second node (via a third) didn't seem to work. I'll investigate further in combination with hoprd dapp and see if I can work out what's going on. It may be that I wasn't entering the path correctly.

One thing I noticed is that the refresh arrows don't always appear in the Receive page, and once a file has been sent there doesn't seem to be a way to send a second? (I uploaded another file, but Sent never changed back to Send)

Finally, a small thing but there are some proofing errors on the main page. I'd recommend:

Also I'd change What is HOPR to What is HOPR?

But otherwise this is really promising. Like I said, I'll investigate the multihop send further when I next get time and get back to you.

thewanderingeditor commented 1 year ago

Hi everyone. I am doing some sporadic testing where possible, but as @nionis and I are both on holiday expect testing and payments to resume in earnest starting Monday 22nd August

0xVaibhav11 commented 1 year ago

@thewanderingeditor I think you messed up with the path! in the first case in the path, you will fill the peer id of the other three nodes except sending and receiving node!

and secondly. this app can render only one file from the node (the first file received on the node)

I was struggling to make it render more then a file!

ManyRios commented 1 year ago

Hi everyone. I am doing some sporadic testing where possible, but as @nionis and I are both on holiday expect testing and payments to resume in earnest starting Monday 22nd August

If we submit our dapps today, we most to wait until that day for a feedback?

thewanderingeditor commented 1 year ago

Hi everyone. I am doing some sporadic testing where possible, but as @nionis and I are both on holiday expect testing and payments to resume in earnest starting Monday 22nd August

If we submit our dapps today, we most to wait until that day for a feedback?

That's the earliest we can guarantee testing. I may be around and able to test over the next few days though, so I'd recommend submitting earlier if you can.

piens1 commented 1 year ago

Hey, I'm finishing work on the web app I created for the previous bounty. Below is a WIP demo video presenting 2 files, an image and a text file being sent and then retrieved from a mock node. Please check out the demo video before reading more:

WIP demo

As it now stands it implements the desired functionality, albeit the download speeds are slow which is to be expected given the current restrictions on data transfer between nodes. Text files work absolutely great, small images (<1MB) work really well and with anything bigger you can expect some wait-time.

I could not set up the official HOPR node implementation (node.js) on any of my (4) machines due to non-POSIX scripts and general dependency hell, therefore I used a custom mock node that I wrote in Golang. It throttles each Websocket message by 100ms and I assume official HOPR nodes do so as well; if not throttling will need to be introduced client-side (js) which while simple to implement would put additional stress on the users browser.

I'll push this version onto github along with the mock node tomorrow, for now any feedback on the UI and UX is much appreciated. A proper download button will of course be implemented and the text serves largely as a placeholder. Color palette will also need tweaking as I feel it's oversaturated, layout and spacing might also change.

piens1 commented 1 year ago

Everything you see on the video is of course written from scratch. the UI as well as all of the components and transitions were implemented specifically for this bounty and exclusively designed by me. Pure javascript is used on the backend and all byte-wise operations are dispatched to the web API to ensure highest performance. You shall learn more about the details tomorrow as I end my work day right now.

ManyRios commented 1 year ago

BATTLESHIP My submission: https://github.com/ManyRios/battleship-w-hopr

0xVaibhav11 commented 1 year ago

@ManyRios awsm work bro!


ManyRios commented 1 year ago

@ManyRios awsm work bro!


Thanks man. Is not a big deal 🙂

piens1 commented 1 year ago

Hey, here's the deployment & source for the version I presented above

live site: https://janmaslo.github.io/Skippr/ repo: https://github.com/janmaslo/Skippr

I'd really appreciate if any one of you, @vanoob404 and @ManyRios could test it with a real hopr cluster on your local machines as I see that nionis and thewanderingeditor are on break. I do expect a patch to be needed after that as I realize my mock node may not be 100% accurate.