hoqolo / SDSTrack

[CVPR 2024] SDSTrack: Self-Distillation Symmetric Adapter Learning for Multi-Modal Visual Object Tracking
MIT License
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About DepthTrack #2

Open Wprofessor opened 2 months ago

Wprofessor commented 2 months ago

The DepthTrack test set only has 50 sequences, while votrgbd2021 has 80 sequences. How to "rename" DepthTrack? Can you explain in detail? Thank you!

hoqolo commented 2 months ago

Test the performance of the model on the DepthTrack test set: In Depthtrack_workspace, place or link the test sequence folder here and name it sequences (cd $PROJECT_ROOT$/Depthtrack_workspace && ln -s $DATA_DISK$/DepthTrack/test sequences). For example, the Depthtrack test set sequence adapter01_indoor in the data hard disk is linked to $PROJECT_ROOT$/Depthtrack_workspace/sequences/adapter01_indoor.

Similarly, testing the performance of the model on vot2022_rgbd needs to be done in VOT22RGBD_workspace, and use the vot2022_rgbd data set..

LiYunfengLYF commented 2 weeks ago

大佬您好,我们在评估DepthTrack时遇到一个问题,当我们按照vipt和sdstrack设置了./Depthtrack_workspace/config.yaml时,环境为vot-toolkit==0.5.3,vot-trax==3.0.3,然后使用命令vot evaluate --workspace ./ vipt deep. VOT工具包会强制下载vot2021rgbd的数据集,这个问题同样出现在vot-toolkit==0.7.1,请问这是怎么一回事呢?我们需要什么做才能使工具包中的vot2021rgb stack能评估我们的结果?非常非常感谢! @hoqolo

hoqolo commented 2 weeks ago

大佬您好,我们在评估DepthTrack时遇到一个问题,当我们按照vipt和sdstrack设置了./Depthtrack_workspace/config.yaml时,环境为vot-toolkit==0.5.3,vot-trax==3.0.3,然后使用命令vot evaluate --workspace ./ vipt deep. VOT工具包会强制下载vot2021rgbd的数据集,这个问题同样出现在vot-toolkit==0.7.1,请问这是怎么一回事呢?我们需要什么做才能使工具包中的vot2021rgb stack能评估我们的结果?非常非常感谢! @hoqolo


LiYunfengLYF commented 2 weeks ago

大佬您好,我们在评估DepthTrack时遇到一个问题,当我们按照vipt和sdstrack设置了./Depthtrack_workspace/config.yaml时,环境为vot-toolkit==0.5.3,vot-trax==3.0.3,然后使用命令vot evaluate --workspace ./ vipt deep. VOT工具包会强制下载vot2021rgbd的数据集,这个问题同样出现在vot-toolkit==0.7.1,请问这是怎么一回事呢?我们需要什么做才能使工具包中的vot2021rgb stack能评估我们的结果?非常非常感谢! @hoqolo

