Multi-wallet for Bitcoin, Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain and other emerging blockchains. Non-custodial storage, decentralized exchange, and extensive analytics for thousands of tokens and NFTs. Implemented on Swift.
[x] 1. Cards on overview should open a page with a chart and a list of coins with ability to sorting
[x] 1.2. Total M.Cap as card on overview
[x] 1.3. Bitcoin Dominance moves in Total.M.Cap page
[x] 1.4. Update the "market cards" components
[x] 1.5. Clicking on the "market map" should open a page with graphics and a list of coins (+sorting)
[x] 2. Add to the Top Gainers / Losers sections the ability to change to Top(250/500/1000), the "See All" button moves to the bottom of the section.
[x] 3. News is placed in the second tab
[x] 3.1. Update the "news cards" components
Search Page
[x] 1. Update the search icon
[x] 2. Categories moved to the search page, their shown as cards in 2 columns
[x] 3. Advanced Search moved to the top, and renamed "Filters"
Con list Page
[x] Clicking on "See All" of Top G/L sections, clicking on Categories cards (in search page) should open page with a list of coins (+sorting) with the Title/description/image at the top
Main Page
Search Page
Con list Page