hornc / maddock

NaNoGenMo 2021 submission
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Dev Log #1

Open hornc opened 2 years ago

hornc commented 2 years ago

I'm going to move the log here.

Day 2

Investigated using pytracery, https://github.com/aparrish/pytracery, for constructing the grammars because that's basically what I want for most of this. The character interaction modelling can be done at another level. I think I'll rewrite the grammar-based text generation using Tracery so I can then focus on modelling character behaviour. Tracery already provides for the extra depth of description I wanted in the basic grammar.

Some quick Tracery output:

hornc commented 2 years ago

Sample of listing the characters in sequence, now that Tracery is integrated:

The Farmworker's Tale

Twenty-three intrepid travellers make their way by coach towards The B_ Q Inn. It is very blustery. First travels the unconcerned well-developed oral surgeon. Stoically after goes the reserved tactless correctional treatment specialist. Next in the group travels the supported and arguably blue brazer. Next in order proceeds the threatened but reflective and arguably artistic teller, conscientiously followed by the terrifying but not so splendid-cum-irascible material mover, followed by the secure ridiculous environmental science teacher. Then goes the worthy and arguably handicapped but not so fervent ambulance driver. Then processes the thankful-cum-direct nuclear engineer, followed by the intimate but not so lean hostess. Then the recumbent and composed roofer. Next, the irrational and jocular model maker. Next in sequence comes, soon after, the noticed nonetheless sluggish selfish respiratory therapy technician. Then perambulates the down yet jolly but willing glazier. Next, the pushy but not so unfriendly-cum-testy radio equipment installer. Next in sequence processes the violent nonetheless idle short order cook, followed by the curious fearful but stupid social service assistant. Then the groggy nonetheless receptive-cum-buff social work teacher. Then the irresponsible-cum-tactful order clerk. Then the invisible-cum-lazy but not so delicate farmworker, doggedly followed by the burned-out but not so protected yet gentle waitress. Then is the defiant yet cranky willing sawing machine operator. Next, the terrifying and inexperienced legal secretary. Then, closely, the discontent and arguably worthy caustic resort desk clerk.  As they near their destination, they notice the Inn's sign depicts a very classless q__, which appears exceedingly b___. The sign clatters in the wind. The group feels unneeded as they approach the entrance to the inn.

hornc commented 2 years ago

Day 3 Got completely distracted from my intended goal and started another NaNoGenMo thing: https://github.com/NaNoGenMo/2021/issues/37 , which is a return to my usual form of playing with code and concepts rather than creating a story. I still have until the end of the month to complete this one.....

hornc commented 2 years ago

Day 4 After distractions and skipped days, today I quickly threw together a basic character disposition system. Still need to figure out how to use this. Interactions change dispositions depending on the mood, and characters can pick an enemy or friend, and tell how they feel towards someone. Need to decide when a storyteller gets to remove an opponent. (perhaps they can chose a friend to protect from the next teller?) Also added numbering of sections and count of tales by each character.

9: The Obstetrician's Third Tale 

  • the teller's enemy is ('food scientist', 0.25)
  • the teller's friend is ('postal service mail sorter', 0.75)
hornc commented 2 years ago

Day ??

Learning to work with Tracery, and how to work effectively with grammars ... now the story can include side-stories-within-stories like:

Above the mantle hangs a vicious looking axe. The innkeeper's sister notices the wanderers glancing at the axe and traipses over, with a sweating gleam. "This axe used to belong to my bondsman who uncovered it in the preparations for the last defence of Konin , which occurred in the year of the exotic drought. Before that, it belonged to an esteemed citizen, who was gifted it from their priest who traded for it in the months after the renowned liberation of Chodzież . Before that, it belonged to an enemy Duchess, who acquired it from their sister's captain who found it in the months after the renowned defence of Mosina , which occurred in the year of the exotic drought. Before that, it belonged to a gifted warrior, who had it passed on to them it from their doctor who got it from their bondsman's commanding officer who got it from their mother's uncle who uncovered it after the horrendous defence of Tomaszów Mazowiecki , which occurred in the year of the bountiful harvest. Before that, it belonged to an esteemed courtesan, who inherited it from their doctor who found it in the preparations for the ill-fated campaign of Świętochłowice , which occurred in the year of the plague of owls. Before that, it belonged to a loyal Captain, who inherited it from their bondsman who got it from their priest's uncle's grandfather who stole it in the months after the fabled siege of Czempiń . Before that, it belonged to an esteemed Duchess, who had it passed on to them it from their acquaintance's confessor who got it from their cousin who committed serious crimes for it while looting in the wake of the tragic campaign of Racibórz . Before that, it belonged to a gifted Duke, who inherited it from their sister who got it from their cook who got it from their father who got it from their grandmother who was awarded it in the months after the ill-fated destruction of Iława . Before that, it belonged to a remarkable merchant, who acquired it from their father who earned it after the first liberation of Konin . Before that, it belonged to an esteemed Noble, who was gifted it from their brother who uncovered it in the preparations for the last destruction of Koło , which occurred in the year of the pricier mantis. Before that, it belonged to a remarkable cleric, who had it passed on to them it from their mother who got it from their brother who got it from their brother who got it from their uncle's spouse who got it from their lover who performed services in payment for it in the preparations for the horrendous defence of Zakroczym , which occurred in the year of the foreign drought. Before that, it belonged to a famous scholar, who had it passed on to them it from their spouse who got it from their sister's uncle's aunt who liberated it while looting in the wake of the victorious defence of Kołobrzeg . Before that, it belonged to a remarkable orator, who inherited it from their doctor who got it from their grandfather who got it from their confessor who committed serious crimes for it while looting in the wake of the fabled battle of Biała Rawska . Before that, it belonged to an esteemed cleric, who inherited it from their lieutenant who traded for it after the joyous battle of Konin , which occurred in the year of the plague of crows. Before that, it belonged to an enemy citizen, who was gifted it from their sister's grandfather who uncovered it after the first battle of Czarnków , which occurred in the year of the protracted moth. Before that, it belonged to an enemy Captain, who acquired it from their lover who got it from their sister's lieutenant who was awarded it while looting in the wake of the virtuous destruction of Puszczykowo , which occurred in the year of the plague of mouses. Before that, it belonged to an esteemed orator, who was gifted it from their commanding officer's lieutenant whose name is unfortunately long forgotten." The gas pumping station operator, when no one is looking, takes the reliquary housing fragments of the right thigh of an unknown zealot from the mantel and pockets it.

This can be any length, from nothing, to endless... The plan is to have the characters react when the story gets too long and boring...

hornc commented 2 years ago

Day 6+: Filling out interactions, travellers can exchange stuff, insult or compliment each others' clothing. Hopefully soon they will sing olde ballads, and interrupt each other...

The weary travellers sit at a goalless table. The deprived yet unstable etcher, Y, starts talking about their interest in porcupines. . The dumb and stern probation officer, Y____ swaps a one golden sovereign for the demoralized but ditzy yet jocular personal chef, K's, hairbush. The witty-cum-assertive record clerk, A, looks on in disgust.

A small fight breaks out in the corner. Presently the inkeeper leaps over to take the group's orders.

"Right, what do you lot want?" The cavalcade order food. A patron creates a puddle of shit.

In order to entertain themselves, as tradition dictates, the group decide to pass the time telling stories, and chose from their number one person to tell this evening's tale...

The current storyteller (railroad police) chooses the hostler (0.5) as the next storyteller. The possessive but uncooperative hostler, J_____, waits for the chatter to subside and begins her tale...

The repetition is repetitive, and the exchanging of items and consistent interests and outfits, even the names of the characters are a bit hard to keep track of... That was part of the point, but I'm not sure how well it's working. I'm almost getting to a good word count; when that's done I should really focus on making the text flow and hang together better.

hornc commented 2 years ago

Day 7 Singing is added:

A small fight breaks out in the corner.

The knowledgeable-cum-stumped but not so sour claims investigator, S___, begins to sing:

And all their nunnery." That we were soon agone; And I more wo-begone: And I stood looking on: In one day, fifty knights were slayne,

The torn but fiery engineering teacher, K listens, enraputured by the claims investigator's folic voice. The entertained judgmental kindergarten teacher, Q, looks on in disgust.

... and

The assistant-manager calls for a mop. The giddy and arguably painful yet short-tempered cellular equipment installer, Y_____, begins to sing:

I fear we'll come ...

"Cease your piped caterwauling!", quips the satiated but frank photographic process worker, I____, interupting the cellular equipment installer rudely.

Next steps:

hornc commented 2 years ago

30 Nov I'm calling this done, and an experimental success! https://github.com/NaNoGenMo/2021/issues/33#issuecomment-982306337

There's a lot that could be improved, but it's not going to change the word count, and I'm out of time.

v2.0 might be some kind of linear 'interactive' game thing, if I feel like continuing working on this.