Open martinwlo opened 6 years ago
Dear, martinwlo
Thank you for your bug report etc. By the way, what purpose do you use ROI for?
I am a psychiatrist and analyze a series of image of my patients, for example head CT, if needed.
Sometimes I modify this like the following: Firstly, SEGMENTATION (auto-segment using a kind of AI)
finally, SIMUALTION (This is an example of ECT (ElectroConvulsive Therapy) case with so-called 'bifrontal' electrode placement configuration. The current density is shown in this figure: red...high, blue...low (transparent gradually). The current density is very high around both electrodes, diffused rapidly in the subcutaneous tissue and re-concentrated on low impedance tissues like CSF...etc)
I would like to optimize conditions ( electrode placements, pulse width ... etc) before real ECT administrations in order to avoid side-effects, for example memory-loss caused by over-electrical damage for their Hippocampus. See: A case of schizophrenia successfully treated by m-ECT using 'long' brief pulse But I don't use any ROI.
We will implement these kinds of functions on our HorliX in addition to ROI-color-rotation-UI. HorliX: I think it is convenient to extract specific organs and/or tissues using AI instead of human manual operations.
Thank you for your reading my broken English.
Best Regards, H, Inomata MD, B.Sc (physics) Phazor, LLC Horos: contributor HorliX: co-author OpenDolphin-2.7m(an EHR system written in Java): author
Hi, I have a bug report/ enhancement request:
As for the enhancement part: when I create a ROI in frontal orientation, save it and then try to import it in, eg sagittal orientation, it simply won't load. It will only load in frontal orientation.
As for the bug report: when I do try this and then switch back to frontal orientation and load the same ROI, it will be misplaced within the image.
As for explanation: I am making a series of pictures from different samples of the same ROI. The Compute Volume option gives me a nice 3D model, shown cranial/horizontal, which is fine. I would have preferred a lateral orientation though and that is hardly manually adjustable the same way for 60 different ROIs.